Dept. of Genetics, University of Wiscpnsin, Madison 6, Wis. March 10, 1950. Ref. Acct. 47-1343 Miss Janice Evans, Membership Director, Book Find Glub, 401 Broadway, New York 13, N.Y. Dear Miss Evans: I have your letter of the 7th inquiring about the reasons for which I terminated my membership in the Book Find Club. I will be happy to relate them. On three occasions, I received a book which I specifically did not want, and for which I had returned the necessary Stop Order well in advance of the deadline date. The books continued to come, as well as bills for them, although they had been returned. Your choice of books for distribution has, on the wholeg been excellent, and on this basis I regret having to cancel. However, this series of events reflects either a very sloppy bookkeeping procedure whose mistakes I do not want to have to take the trouble to rectify, or else, and I hope this is not the case, an extremely effensive type of high pressure salesmanship in a possible attempt to dispose of an excessive edition. In either event, I am no longer willing to have my choice of selections dictated in such a negative way by your or anypne's willingness to acknowkedge that a Stop Order had been received. I would be very pleased to continue membership in an organization such as the Book Find Club if I could make my choice of books in a more positive way. In fact, I would recommend to you this change in practice in the belief that you would attract a large segment of an educated audience which is now unwilling, as I am, tomparticipate under the present scheme: namely, that return address envelopes or postcards be enclosed with your advertising, and that books be sent only upon positive request. By using IBM cards for the monthly s@lections you might well simplify the sorting of addresses. From my point of view, a small premium over your current rates for this type of service would be justified. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg