STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE SEANFORID MEDICAL CENTER PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 ROBLET J. GLASER. MED. Vice Presi for Med val Attoir and Dean of the Schanl of Med Area Code 415 324-1200 November 7, 1955 John Z. Bovers, M.D. President Jostiaa Hacy, Js. Foundation 277 Park Avenue New York, New York 10017 Dear Jonn: I uanted to write you inmediately to express our very deep appreciation to you and to the Trustees of the Macy Foundation for the majcr grant cf $85,000 for continued support of our oupguter program under Dr. Lederberg I am sure you know from what both Josh and T have told you that without the Macy Foundation’ eupgort it vould not have been possible for us to get this marvelous venture off the ground; even though ve hove a mafor grant from the National Institutes of Health, the additional funds from the Ma acy Foundation have given us the added flexibility that vas essential to the success of the progrum. I hone very much that some time soon you vill be able to get out ond sea first hand what is going on in this area. It really 3S Thank you egain so much for the grant. “ith warmest regards, Z remain, Very sincerely yours, Robert J. Glaser, u.D. RJGika co: Dr. Joshua Lederberg Dictated by De. Glaser but signed in his absence oO yer we COPY