277 PARK AVENUE JOSIAH MACY, JR. FOUNDATION NEW YORK, N. Y. 10017 TELEPHONE: (212) 826-8960 CABLE: MACYFOUND, NEW YORK September 14, 1970 Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D. Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, California 94305 Dear Doctor Lederberg: First of all, personal greetings! You may recall that when I was with the Rockefeller Foundation I dropped in to see you at Wisconsin around 1957 and also had the pleasure of talking with you briefly at Stanford about 1963. I recently joined John Bowers here at the Macy Foundation after some six years as Director of a Division of the Population Council. John suggested I write you regarding the Macy grants for your ACME computer project of $80,000 and $85,000 approved in September 1965 and November 1966, respectively, the latter a terminal grant with no definite expiration date. The last financial report covering the period up to December 31, 1967 was received with a covering letter from Robert Mayes, dated August 29, 1968, at which time there waS a balance of $7,804.67. We should have a final financial statement eventually, but both John and I would particularly like to have a report on the progress and accomplishments of this interesting and important project. In John's letter regarding the first grant he said "we would like to have a report on accomplishments of the program at the termination of the grant", but since the continuation grant had no termination date, one might conclude that no report was necessary! Nevertheless, because of our own interest and incidentally to complete our files, we would very much appreciate a review of the progress and the present status of the project. Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D, - September 14, 1970 There is, of course, no great hurry but we hope that you and/or your colleagues can manage to take the time to put together a brief report for us. Meanwhile, best regards and a hope that our paths will cross more frequently hereafter. RKA ims Yours sincerely, / eg OL YY ro ne f > Le / fon 03 oN x ee OF CS CL Pe f. PY i peas Richmond K, Anderson, M.D. Program Director