beam «.overté JG, Glaser staniord University School o£ Medicine stanford Medical Center aA aU Pasteur Drive Palo Alto, California i= 1s a pleasure to inform you that at a £ ting of cur fxecutiva Commitcee on Tue esday, 2 4955, a proposal, Planning for Advancad : > vompucer Facilitcy at Stancord Medical School, vas apovoved with a grant of $59,000, The funds ere 9 be used under the terms set forch in the letter zxom Prolessor Ledarbers, mawely, for key personnel and for inscallation and overt 2AZ expenses, Tha canis should not be usad for construction or remodeling of physical facilities, Ve plan fo issue a release concer ming this erant, it is, ef course, entirely up CO you as to wheather you Also publicize the Stant, but if so we would appreciate 822253 a copy of the release before it is issued, we would like to have a report on the accon- te termination of the sranc, Foundation will visit vou Dean Robert J. Claser 26 at thet time, E£ note in Professor Lederberg's letter that it is posgible that you mey seek a renewal of the grant, Persounily, iE am very pleased fhat we ere this grant. Yours sincerely, A bg JZB:j1k John Z. Bowers, MM. bP. President cc: Professor Jjosnue Lederberg