STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER Computing Newsletter Published Irregularly by the ACME Staff Vol.11, No. 8 May 9, 1973 CONTENTS Item Page 1. Follow-On for ACME Service...e..cscccseeeeecececeuseueeseceececcccce, L 2. New Medical Computing Facility........ sf a 1 3. ACME Terminal Service Disruption... ..seccccscccecseccccccsccceveuveccs 2 4. 1800 Service Disruption........ ccc eceececsecceseaceaeseuseeccececce, 2 9+ ACME CLASSES see eee e eee eee eee cece ence eee e eee eneeteeteeeeeeececcccs 2 eS 2 Te Numeric Pad. eee e eee eee eee e cece cece cess ee eeneeeteteneececeecce, 3 B. TOD Progress... eee eee eee eec eee e eee esevaeeneteeteeeeeneecece ccc. 3 9+ Alphanumeric CRIS... se cece eceeece cece cece eeeeeeeeeeet eens eececcccce, 4 TO. New ACME Note Index. .sseseceeesecsecceeeesecssaceeeeseveeeececcccce, 4 J-51 Page 1 1. Follow-On for ACME Service: ACME users have been elated to learn that the PL/ACME language will be offered on new facilities after termination of the NIH grant. Especially encouraging was news that the transition will be essentially transparent to the users. Programs which run now on the 360/50 will run on the 370/158 without change, given a lot of effort on conversion by the systems programming staff. The ACME staff is grateful to the faculty and University management for this decision; we especially thank Dr. Elliott Levinthal for his extensive efforts. R. Jamtgaard 2. New Medical Computing Facility: Stanford University announced in March of 1973 the complete reorganization of its general support computing facilities. The new organization is called the Stanford Center for Information Processing (SCIP). In addition, the University has decided to provide a large general support computing facility in the Medical Center environment that merges the services of the medical research community with the business, administrative, and patient care activities. Victor Barber has been named the Associate Director of the Medical Center Computing Service. Details about this new facility can be found in a memo dated April 23, 1973 from Victor Barber to all ACME users, Hospital management and Medical School faculty. Staff Contacts: Madhu Bhide, x5151, will be the primary liaison and coordination point for Hospital services, especially those oriented toward financial applications. Ms. Karen Richards, R.N., will continue as the Nursing Service Coordinator for computing matters. She is available at x6084. Ron Jamtgaard, x6121, will be the primary contact for users of timesharing services and realtime support; he will respond to needs of the Medical School research and education functions. B. J. Gaul will be Operations Manager of the 370/158 computing facility. He is available at x5880. Ron Jamtgaard and his staff remain in the present ACME Offices (TCLOL temporary building). Regina Frey, Stu Miller, and Bob Stainton have moved to 801 Welch Road (x6085) to actively work on the conversion to the new computer arriving in early August 1973. ACME consulting is being handled by Bob Bassett and is now located in TC117 (x6120). A11 ACME system problems should be directed to Mike Heathman at x6127.Questions concerning TOD, the Time Oriented Database System, should be directed to Frank Germano (x5758). F. Germano Hegsrccce tC PC J-51 Page 2 3. ACME Terminal Service Disruption: Due to the installation of the new computer system this summer ACME service will be unavailable from July 28, 1973 until the new system is operational. Present estimates indicate ACME terminal services should be available again on September 1, 1973. We are sorry for this inconvenience. If the installa- tion goes smoothly the interruption of service could be shorter in duration. F. Germano 4. 1800 Service Disruption: The 1800 will be unavailable from July 28, 1973 for a period of roughly two months. A meeting for 1800 users has been scheduled for Thursday, May 10, 1973 in Room TC145 at 10:30 AM, to discuss this situation and potential 1800 conversion problems. F. Germano 2. ACME Classes: ACME Advanced Course - June 5, 7, 12, 14 (2:00 - 3:30 PM) Covering: Data Files Subroutines String Handling Minimizing Costs ACME Beginners Course ~ June 19, 21, 26, 28 (2:00 - 3:30 PM) Covering: Using the Terminal Basic Programming on ACME for: Calculations Statistics File Handling Sign up by calling Evelyn Markland (x6121). V. Wiederhold 6. TOD Manual: A Users Manual for the TOD Databank System has been prepared. The manual is divided into two parts: Part I contains introductory material and material of interest to users of the TOD System; Part II contains addi- tional material of use to groups actually planning on setting up a data~ bank. If you need a copy of this manual contact Frank Germano x5758. F. Germano J=-51 Page 3 {-_Numeric Pad: The GE Terminet-300 terminal in Room S-101 (Machine Room) has been augmented with a numeric keyboard pad. The pad presents numbers, a comma, and equal Sign in a layout similar to a 10-key adding machine. Users are invited to try it. For users entering primarily numeric data, it should save time and money. R. Jamtgaard 8. TOD Progress: The TOD Databank System has been released for public use. TOD is a set of programs designed for users who follow patients over time. An extensive users manual has been prepared and is now available. Contact Frank Germano if you want more information about TOD and/or want to be placed on the TOD mailing list. TOD Implementation Progress Report (May 1, 1973) PRESENT TOD DATABANKS User Medical Speciality Comments Dr. Jim Fries Immunology Operational on TOD 3 months Dr. &. Rosenberg Oncology Operational on TOD 3 months Dr. L. William Dr. M. Stern Metabolic Disease Clinic Databank defined. Time- Oriented Medical Record forms being printed. Data entry will begin when forms are ready. TOD DATABANKS GOING THROUGH DEFINITION PROCESS Dr. K. Brodie Psychiatry Dr. M. Rosenzweig Alcohol & Violence Prevention Clinic F. Germano TOD Group TOD group mailing list D. Lombardi Student Affairs Office Part of the TOD System will be used to set up a Medical Student Record System J=-51 Page Childrens Hospital TOMR forms designed. Orthopedic Service Waiting to define databank. Ophthalmology Clinic Databank defined. Presently collecting input data. GROUPS CONSIDERING A TOD DATABANK DEFINITION Dr. Bleck Dr. J. Gamel Dr. Wilbur Dr. Miller Dr. V. Johnson Dr. A. Hackel Dr. M. Bagshaw 9. Alphanumeric CRT's: A Beehive Corporation, Childrens Hospital Childrens Hospital Pediatrics Radiology F. Germano Model III, 1200 baud cathode ray tube terminal (CRT) will soon be available for demonstration. To gain hands-on experience, come to Room S101 after May 18. If your application is particularly well-suited to CRT usage, you are urged to arrange a short term loan of this terminal. Contact Charlie Class for scheduling (x6122). 10. New ACME Note Index: R. Jamtgaard All new and revised ACME Notes published since the last Newsletter (March 8, 1973) are included in the new edition of Note AA, the ACME Note Index. Copies will be available in the ACME office, TC101, on Monday, May 14. E. Baxter