STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER @ Computing Newsletter Published Irregularly by the ACME Start Vol. 11, No.7 Seri 6, 1973 CONTENTS Item Page l. Medical Center Computer Facility Cee eee eee eee etree eee eee eee encane o 1 Ge TOD SOMin@r... eee cece cece cnc cece cnc ee cee encecenseecuceceuuce 1 3. PL/ACME ClaSSCS...... cece cece cece cence cece een sneeetusveueenccaceene 1 Hy LISP Available ..... ccc ccc c nsec eee c cece eeeteencteuneevenetccneecess 1 J-50 Page 1 lL. Medical Center Computer Facility: In a memo dated March 5, 1973, Dean Clayton Rich made the following announce- ment to ACME users and Medical School faculty: "Recent analysis by the committee planning a computer facility for the Medical Center shows that purchase of an JBM 370/158 has major advantages over our earlier plan to lease an ITEM 360/65. These include much improved technical performance and significantly reduced cost. Therfore, we have decided in favor of the 370/158 and have abandoned plans to acquire the 360/65. "The proposal to purchase a 370/158 now is under vice presidential review in preparation for submission to the April meeting of the Trustees." ’. TOD Seminar: The Time-Oriented Database System of programs developed by ACME with the aid of several ACME users is now available for use. If you are storing patient- related information over time, you should take a look at these programs. A seminar will be held on Thursday, March 22, 1973, at 4 p.m. in TALUS (the conference room near the ACME offices). An overview of the programs presently operational will be presented. There are approximately 20-25 programs in the system to enter, update, subset, and analyze patient-oriented data. If you are interested in attending this seminar or wish to discuss your parti- cular databank problems beforehand, please contact Frank Germano at ext. 5758, F, Germano 5. PIVACME Classes: The introductory Pl/ACME classes will be offered again, starting next month. A beginning class will be taught by Voy Wiederhold on April 3, 5, 10, and 12, To register, please call the ACME Office, ext. 6121. Anyone interested in an advanced class should also call the office. Advanced classes will be sche- duled when demand warrants. HE. Baxter 4, LISP Available: Time-shared LISP has been improved and is once again available. The SHOW SYMBOLS command has been modified to show the attributes of a selected group of symbols. The syntax is: SHOW SYMBOLS (SYM,, SYM.» seep SYM). M. Heathman J-50 Page 2 2. New and Revised Notes Since Newsletter J-49 (February 13, 1973): NW AHCAT IL-1 Communication Hardware for Simplified Protocol. (B. Gtainton) Mebruary L4, L973. APCALJ,.-1 A Conventional Protocol for Synehronous Daba Communications (B. Stainton) February 14, 1973. HAI-11 MPX/User Simulator (R. Matheson) lngineering Note 060, September 11, 19/2. HAG-1 TBM 2701 Parallel Data Adapter Simulator (R. Matheson) Engineering Note 061, September 18, 1972. HAH-1 Radiology Diagnosite-Nuclear Medicine/1800 Digital Link "or" Connection (R. Matheson) Engineering Note 062, September 19, 1972. HAI-1 Radiology Diagnotic/ACME 1800 Analog Link (T. Nozaki) Engineering Note 063, September 25, 1972. HAJ -1 Neurology EEG Lab/ ACME 1800 Analog Link (R. Matheson) Engineering Note 066, October 30, 1972. HAK~-1 seintillation Counter/Paper Tape Punch (R. Matheson) Engineering Note 067, November 6, 1972. TODPDD~-L TOD Retrieval Module Summary Sheet (F. Germano) March 1, 1973. WCOMPRS-1 Data File Compression - Implementation Notes (C. Granieri) February ee, 1973. REVISED AU~31. Monthly Usage at ACME (C. Class/E. Baxter) February 22, 1973. EAP-4 ACME Program Library GENCORR: Correlation Coefficients (Handles Missing Data)(H. Kraemer) February 16, 1973. EDQ-4 ACME Program Library DATACOPY: Reproducing a Complete or Partial Data File (G. Wiederhold/S. Weyl) February 20, 1973. TDSUB-2 User Supplied TOD Subprograms for Data Checking and Coding (S. Weyl) February 14, 1973. TIDA-2 TOD Implementation Docune ntation - A, TOD Analysis Programs (F. Germano) March 1, 1973. WEXC-2 ACME Dummy Appendages for EXCP t/o (Wed. Sanders/B. Stainton) February 22, 1973. WSVC-? ACME Written SVCs (R. Frey) March 2, 1973. WIUMP-143 Temporary Working Storage Function Table (G. Wiederhold/c. Granieri) February 28, 1973.