EN 2 2 yom I-48 STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER Computing Newsletter Published Irregularly by the ACME Staff Vol. 10, No. 6 December 20, 1972 CONTENTS Item Page 1. Index to the ACME PUBLIC Programs........... te acveves eee cea r ec ncsenes 1 2. New PUBLIC Program IBMTAPE: Enters Requests to Dump/Restore Users' ACME Files to/from Tape... .cccecc cu cc vce cccccccscesescetescetes 1 3. Recycle! ...scceees cece noes Sem em meme eee me twee eee n scree eseevenetsesces 1 4. ACME Holiday Schedule.......cseccceccvvaas caeeee we evs senssuace seeeeeus 1 5. Radioimmunoassay Users....... pees. ran cece rete e eens eeoeeee 2 6. New PUBLIC Program ARITHDAT: Arithmetic Date Routines.......ssecceeee 2 7. New PUBLIC Programs BSORT and BRANK. ..cccscsccsccccccccsccesserseesesa 2 8. SORTEXT UserS..... ccc ce cece ccc secccececes pe bese a sue ucseseesecsrsesuce 2 9. Correspondence Terminal Support Changes. ..cecsccccccscccasccccsseseses 3 10. New and Revised Notes Since Newsletter J-46 (October 23, 1972)........ 3 J-48 Page 1 1. Index to the ACME PUBLIC Programs: An index to the PUBLIC programs has been prepared. It lists all the PUBLIC programs on ACME, describes them briefly, categorizes them, and gives an ACME Note reference for further information. The index is presented in two orders: 1) alphabetical by program name, and 2) alphabetical by subject area. See ACME Note EPUBDIR. A copy of EPUBDIR is attached to this Newsletter. It should be of use to users who want to see what ACME has to offer in a particular area. For ex- ample, suppose you wish to do text editing. Consulting EPUBDIR under area code "T" (text) would yield information for ACME PUBLIC programs in this area. F. Germano 2. New PUBLIC Program IBMTAPE: Enters Requests to Dump/Restore Users' ACME Files to/from Tape It is now possible to enter a tape dump/restore request from a terminal using PUBLIC program IBMTAPE. The paper request form will no longer used. Program IBMIAPE creates a request in a manner similar to LISTAKER. The use of this program is described in ACME Note EIBMTP. All user requests for tape dump/restore operations must be entered by the user himself using program IBMTAPE. For this reason, all users who do dump/restore work should obtain a copy of this Note from the ACME Office, TC101, or the ACME Machine Room. Give tapes to be processed to the ACME operator who will log that the tapes have been received. After the jobs have been completed, pick up the tapes from the operator who will log that the tapes have been returned. F. Germano y 3. Recyclet Remember that you can recycle your computer paper and cards by bringing them to the ACME Machine Room, 5101. The operator will be happy to show you where the recycling boxes are located. R. Cower 4, ACME Holiday Schedule: ACME will follow normal operations schedule except for Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day, and New Year's Eve Day. On these days ACME will run operator- attended from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. After 3 p.m. ACME will be up without operator attendance. If you wish to be "plugged in" after 3 p.m. on these days, please inform the ACME operator, x5903, this week (Dec. 18). C. Class J-h8 Page 2 5. Radioimmunoassay Users ACME is in the process of implementing a version of the RIA package from the NIH. If you are interested in these programs or in RIA, please contact Charles Breverman, x6120. C. Breverman 6. New PUBLIC Program ARITHDAT: Arithmetic Date Routines The procedure ARITHDAT and associated procedures EXDATE, CHARDAY, and WEDABE allow a user to manipulate dates as consecutive numbers within the computer. The principal advantage of these routines occurs in situa- tions where the elapsed time between two dates is important. The compu- tation becomes a simple subtraction with this method. Other benefits of using this method include the capability to determine what weekday a parti- cular date us and the ability to calculate the number of weekdays (Monday through Friday) between two dates. See ACME Note EARITH. Several sample programs using the date routines can be found in this Note. These examples are: calculation of the "age- to-date" for a patient, generation of a weekly calendar for 80 weeks, be- ginning with Monday, 26NOV72, and calculation of the number of weekdays between two dates. F. Germano 7. New PUBLIC Programs BSORT and BRANK: A new version of BSORT has been added to the PUBLIC file. It is a sub- program to be used as an internal procedure by an ACME run. This routine uses an improved bubble sort algorithm to sort an array into ascending order. See ACME Note EBN. BRANK is based on the same algorithm as BSORT. It sorts an array into as- cending order while keeping a parallel array in the same order. See ACME Note EBNC. Note that line 2.06 in this ACME Note should read: 2.06 DCL x(*), y(*) char, tempy char(20); F. Germano 8. SORTEXT Users The PUBLIC program SORTEXT, which sorts text or data files starting with any character position on a line, has been modified to accept a variable length compare field up to and including 20 characters. Prior to this change, a fixed length of 20 characters was assumed. In addition, a second sort method has been added to SORTEXT. The two methods now present in SORTEXT are the quick sort and the improved bubble sort. The quick sort should normally be used because of its much greater effciency. However, using quick sort does not keep the output in the same order as the input in cases of a tie on the sort key. Bubble sort does not have this disadvantage. F. Germano J-48 Page 3 9. Correspondence Terminal Support Changes The system character translation tables for "correspondence" terminals have been changed to effect the following benefits: a) The keyboard arrangement is now the same as that used by the Campus Facility. b) All of the special characters used by the Magnetic Card Selectric Typewriter are supplied. Users of MCST or 2741 Correspondence code terminals should obtain a copy of ACME Note KU-4. B. Stainton 1O. New and Revised Notes Since Newsletter J-46 (October 23, 1972): NEW AACP-1L ACME Accounting Programs at Campus Facility(E. Baxter) November 15, 1972. ACONT-1 ‘The Need and a Method to Obliterate Control Languages (G. Wiederhold) November 2c, 1972. ADISK-L ACME Disk Write Times (F. Germano) November 22, 1972. APLAN-1 Preliminary Planning Outline for a 370/158 Facility (R. Jamtgaard) November 6, 1972. ASQ-1 Square Computers in Round Sieves (G. Wiederhold) November 15, 1972. DBS-1 Present and Potential Patient-Related Databanks at the Stanford Medical Center (F. Germano/G. Wiederhold) October 27, 1972. DELL~1 Evaluation of General Purpose Graphics Terminal (GPGT 315C) (P. Freret) November 21, 1972. DI-1 Drug Interaction Project ACME Programs (L. Crouse/G. Hunn/B. Bassett) November 3, 1972. EARITH-1 ACME Program Library ARITHDAT: Arithmetic Data Routines (F. Germano) December 12, 1972. EBNC~1 ACME Program Library BRANK and BRANKC: Bubble Sort Ranking (F, Germano ) December 14, 1972. EIBMTP-1 ACME Program Library IBMTAPE: Dump/Restore User Tapes (F. Germano) December 18, 1972. EPUBDIR-LACME PUBLIC File Directory (F. Germano) December 12, 1972. ETLR-1 ACME Subprogram LACFTSUB: ‘Test for Linearity of Regression (J. Whitner ) November 1, 1972. HPAPE-l Choice of Tape Units on 360/370 Equipment(IBM)(Medical Center Computer Facility Planning Note) (G. Wiederhold) December 8, 1972. MPxXA-1. ©7O01 PDA/Satellite Machine Multiplexor ~ General Information (R. Frey} December 8, 1972. SHARE-1 Trip Report - SHARE Interim Meeting, Dec. 3-6, 1972 (Medical Center Computer Facility Planning Note) (R. Frey) December 20, 1972. TCAM-1 An Overview of the TCAM System (R. Stainton) November 17, 1972. TIDA-1 TOD Analysis Programs (TOD Implementation Doementation-A) (F. Germano ; November &, 1972. TIDE-1 TOD Operational Statistics (TOD Implementation Documentation ~ B) (F. Germano) December 8, 1972. TIDC-1 The TRANSPOSE File (TOD Implementation Documentation-C) (F. Germano) November 30, 1972. NEW (Con' TIDD-1 TODI-1 UPRO-1 URECOV-1 XDS=1 YDAS-1 YPDP-1 YPRANL-1 REVISED AA-37 AAC-3 AMC-5 AORG-3 AUC-6 CT-19 DBD-2 WDL~2 WKT-8 WYD=5 YBP-7 YCC-3 YCLEAN-2 YIPL-4 YLT-2 YVTOC-3 J-h8 Page 4 t) Program PRE PROC (TOD Implementation Documentation-D) (F. Germano) November 17, 1972. Introduction to TOD (Time-Oriented Databank) System (F. Germano) October 25, 1972. Procedure for Assembling a Program for the 1800 with the 360 Batch Assembler (L. Hundley) December 15, 1972. Recovery from Realtime Input/Output Failures-User Instructions (R. Frey) October 20, 1972. Test of ACME FORTRAN Code on XDS Compiler (R. Jamtgaard) November 9, L972. DASDI Disk Pack (C. Class) December 20, 1972. Loading the PDP-11 (¥. Lew) November 16, 1972. Distribution of Print Job Lengths (F, Germano) November 10, 1972. ACME Notes Index (E. Baxter) November 22, 1972. ACME User Accounting: Update & Listing/Administrative Aide Instructions (C. Miller/E. Baxter) July 20, 1972. How to Use PL/ACME (G. Wiederhold) November 10, 1972. ACME Organization Chart (E. Baxter) October 27, 1972. 360/50 Crash Frequency Chart (C. Class) December 14, 1972. ACME Terminal Listing (C. Class) November 22, 1972. ACME Data Bases for Dr. Eugene Dong and Phillips Caves -- Cardiovascular Surgery Research (S. Weyl) December 15, 1972. ACME Program Library LACKFIT: Test for Linearity of Regression (J. Whitner) November 1, 1972. ACME Program Library LINREG: Linear Regression (J. Whitner) November 8, 1972. ACME Program Library BSORT and BSORTC: Sorting (F. Germano) December 14, 1972. ACME File System --~ Data Sets (R. Frey) December 1, 1972. Using Correspondence Code 2741 Terminals (B. Stainton) December 8, 1972. Memory Allocation in ACME (G. Breitbard/G. Wiederhold) December 12, 1972. Procedure for Writing File Restore Tapes (C. Class) November 29, 1972. ACME Modifications to 0S/360 (MVT) (R. Frey) December 19, 1972. Paging Rates for a Joint Stanford Computing Facility (Medical Center Computer Facility Planning Notes) (G. Wiederhold) December 20, 1972. PL/ACME Words and Built-In Subroutines (V. Wiederhold/G. Sanders) December 1, 1972. TRMNLIO: Terminal Input/Output (R. Stainton) December 12, 1972. ACME Subroutine YIELD to Commutator: Subroutine YSET-~set ENTRY2 (R. Frey/C. Granieri) October 24, 1972. OS/360 (MVT) Batch Processing Procedure (C. Class/J. Sutter) December 19, 197%¢e. 1052 Console Commands (C. Class/J. Sutter) December 19, 1972. Scratching Temporary Data Sets (C. Class) December 19, 1972. System IPL Procedures for Release 20.6 of 08/360 (MVT) (C. Class/J. Sutter) December 19, 1972. Label Tapes (C. Class) December 19, 1972. List VTOC and Scratch Data Sets (C. Class) December 19, 1972. ACME Note EPUBDIR-1 Frank Germano ACME PUBLIC File Directory December 12,1972 This note lists the contents of the ACME PUBLIC File, first in alphabetical order by dataset name and then by groups according to subject area. key to AREA Codes: C - time series L - language S - statistics N - demonstration programs N - numerical analysis T - text editing C - graphics Q - sorting U - user utility 1 - internal staff use R - realtime data processing X - special purpose programs ACME PROGRAM DESCRIPTION AREA NOTE At PHABET Alphabetization of Elements of String Records Q EDU ANOVATWO Two-Way Analysis of Variance (Unequal Cel? Frequency) S EDK ARSPEC Spectral Analysis by Autoregressive Model Technique Cc EARSPE ASM ALGN Aligning a 360 Assembly Lanquage Text File for Assembly L EDZ AZTEC Data Reduction for a Sequence of Samples R ULA BALTHREE Analysis of Variance for a Balanced Three-Way Design 5 EDN BATNUM Demonstration Program D - BIBL IO Interactive Keyword/Entry Q EBIB BIBUP Interactive Keyword/Entry Q EBIB BLACKJAK Demonstration Program D - BSORT Sorting-Bubblesort Q EBN CATALOG Listing of User's Dataset Sizes and Types U J40 CHD DIAG Teaches Diagnostic Techniques to Interns X - CHE 2by2 Chi-Square Statistic with Continuity Correction Ss EBY CITRARG Module to GRAPHG G - CL ABLG Modute to GRAPHG G - CODE Encodes and Decodes User's Files U EEY CONCORD Generates Concordance Files from Text Files Q ECONCO COPTER Reproduces a Complete or Partial Program Data Set U EOP COVARE Associated with POWELL N EDG Cou serc Checks Public Programs for ‘count’ Code I - CRUNCH Collapsing Program Data Sets U EDR CUADRO Smoothing Using a Square Window R ULC count Text File-Public Program Useage I ULC DATACOPY Reproduces a Complete or Partial Data File U EDQ DATAPROG Writes a Data File into a Program File U EDB DCOVARE Associated with DPOWELL N EOT DIRECTOR Temporarily Changes Realtime Directory Entries U URTD DISCRIM2 Discriminant Analysis for Two Groups $ EBW DPOWELL Fitting Program for Nonlinear Functions N EDT DO EMPTY Deletes Empty Files U EDPD disease Associated with CHD DIAG X - dis Cou Removes ‘count’ Program Head From All Public Programs I - EDITFER Converts a Program to a Standard Format T EDL CZAL ION Aligns a Text File to a Desired Line Width T EEB FATAL Demonstration Program D - FFT Fast Fourier Transforms R EFFT FNUMBG Module to GRAPHG G - FORTALGN Aliqns a FORTRAN Text File for Compilation L EDY GFNCORR Correlation Coefficients (Missing Data) S EAP GFNSORT Sorting Q ESORT GETSMG Modute to GRAPHG G - GOLF Demonstration Program D - GOMOKU Demonstration Program D - GOODFIT Test for Goodness of Fit $ EBV GRAPHG OPS Graphics Package G - GRAPHH Creates Display and Plotter Output G EG GRIDG Module to GRAPHG G - NEXARITH Hexadecimal Integer Arithmetic Routine U EDD [BMTAPE Dumps/Restores ACME Disk files to/from IBM tape U EIBMTP IN Associated with CONCORD Q ECONCO IN 1 Associated with CONCORD Q ECONCO 1 RON Smoothing by Ironing with an Exponential Decreasing Window R UET incratio Associated with CHD DIAG x - JACKNIFE Ratio Jacknife S E8G JOBTAKER User-Program-Driven Version of LISTAKER U J34 JUSTIFY Text Justification T EDE joestat? Lists Terminals in Use I - KEYSORT FWIEST LACE TE SUB LACKEIT LINFSG LINREG LINSYS LISTAKER LISTER MAPIT MERGE MFRGE 1 MLTPLG MODE SG MULT make cal matrix NEWS news text new Cou ORJECG ~ ONCALI QUT OVERNTGH opsdata PCPLOT PEEL PLA PLI PLA PL2 PLOT PLOTPRIN POLY POWELL PREPOW PUB LEST primes put Cou QRANK QSORT QURBIC quik cou RE COMPOS RE CORDHX RUNGA6 RUNGK 1 RUNGK 2 referenc rew Cou. re cou_ runover SCHUSTER SCRATCH SETUPG SORTEXT STEPREG St table SUBIEG SURVIVE see Cou see Cou se Cou staklist stak off symptom TABRIT TEACHER TIMESER TITLEG TRANSLAT TSQUARE TYPEWRIT UNCRUNCH UNE KEVAR UPDATE NP VECSG VERIFY WETGTREG 7FROMTS Noes Keyword Search on ACME Note Index Non- Parametric Analysis of Variance (One-Way) lest for Linearity of Regression lest for Linearity of Regression Module to GRAPHG Linear Regression Solution of Simultaneous Equations Listing/Punching Service Formatted Terminal Listing Mapping Bacterial Chromosomes Associated with CONCORD Associated with CONCORD Module to GRAPHG Module to GRAPHG Multiple Regression Writes Project Catalog to a Datafile Associated with CHD DIAG Printing of News Items on Terminal Associated with NEW-Text File Apply ‘count’ Prog to Head of All Public Programs Module to GRAPHG Scheduling Program for Residents On Call Associated with CONCORD Instructions to Use C_CLASS Account to Run Overnight Jobs Module to GRAPHG Frequency Plot Exponential Curve Fitting Converting a PL/ACME Program into an Equivalent PL/1 Program Associated with PLA PL1 Scatter Plotting PTats Graphs and Prints on Line Printer or Terminal Polynomial Regression Fitting Program for Nonlinear Functions Assaciated with POWELL Produces PUBLIC File Index Data File of Prime Numbers-First 1000 in an Array Analysis of PUBLIC File Usage sorting -Quicksort Ranking Sorting Quicksort Demonstration Program Analysis of PUBLIC File Usage Recomposes PL/ACME Programs from Card Decks Analyzes Content of Text Lines Runge-Kutta Integration RK Solution of lst Order Ordinary Diff.Equa. RK Solution of 2nd Order Ordinary Diff. Equa. Associated with CHD DIAG Analysis of PUBLIC File Usage Restores Destroyed ‘count' File Prints Message: 'RUN C.CLASS .ACME.runover' Schuster Periodogram Deletes Datasets from User's File Module to GRAPHG Sorts Text Files Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression Student's T-Table Module to GRAPHG Life Table Construction Analyzes PUBLIC File Usage Analyzes PUBLIC File Usage-Variant of see Cou Analyzes PUBLIC File Ulsage-Variant of see Cou _ Associated with LISTAKER-Order Queue Associated with LISTAKER-Determines Contents of ‘staklist' Associated with CHD DIAG Composes Programs with Tabular Qutput Teaches PL/ACME Language Spectral Analysis Modute to GRAPHG Translates FORTRAN Programs to PL/AMCE Hotelling's 7T-Snuare Printing a Text File with Page Breaks Restores CRUNCHed Programs Unique Variables Creation for FORTRAN to PL/ACME Translation Updates the NEWS File Module to GRAPHG Corrects an October 1970 System Error Weighted Linear Regression Least Squares Line Through Origin EPUBDIR-1] Page 2 AVSDMAM™ SAAT ODT ARTO MM NONMNOD COMM eK ZAAACMGC OOH CH SAAN ASNDHOROMNOMHNDMOOMHCBZNYOUYN £BP ETLR EAM EBE EDJ EFE EDH EDA ECONCO ECONCO EAN EEN EED EBH ECONCO EBI EBO BER BER EBQ EPP EBK EDG EDG ESORT ESORT ERECOM 320 EBS EBL EDF EBR EEZ ESORT EEA ESURV EFE EFE EDV ETEAU EBU EFD EBX EEC EDS EFC EED EBD FEM PROGRAM SCHUSTER (TMESER ARSPEC QUBIC GOMOKU SOLE FATAL BLACKIAK {ATNUM opedate OVIECG MODE SG TITLE FNUMBS SFE TUPG MLTPLG LINESG CETSMG GRAPHG GRAPH GRIOG CLABLE SUBJEG PCPLOT PLOT CTRARG VEeCSG PLOFP ETN News beat count put Cou new Cou joestate nee Cott row fou Cou core see fou PUR LAST OVE RN GH yee cou make cal dis Cou runover re cou quik cou UPDATE NP PLA Ple TEACHER PLA PLI FORTALGN TRANS LAT ASM ALGN UNE FL VAR RUNGAG PRE POW RUNGE I COVARL Pow! t | POLY WOW] LINSYS RUNGE LCOVART PEEL BIBL EO CONCORD BIBUP ALPHABET MERGE 1 OUT IN 1 SORE MAC RGE BSORT QRANK IN SORTEXT GENSOKE DL SCRIPTION Schuster Periodogram Spectral Analysts Spectral Analysis by Autoregressive Model Technique Demonstration Program Demonstration Program Demonstration Pragram Demonstration Program Nemonstration Program Demonstration Program Madule to GRAPHG Module to GRAPHS Module to GRAPHG Module to GRAPHG Modute to GRAPHG Module to GRAPHG Module to GRAPHG Modute to GRAPHG Module to GRAPHG OPS Graphics Package Creates Display and Plotter Output Module to GRAPHG Module to GRAPHG Module to GRAPHG Frequency Plot Scatter Plotting Module to GRAPHG Module to GRAPHG Plots Graphs and Prints on Line Printer or Terminal Associated with NEW-Text File Text File-Public Program Useage Analysis of PUBLIC File Usage Apply ‘count’ Frog to Head of All Public Programs tists Terminals in Use Analyzes PUALTC - ile Usage-Variant of see Cou Analy.is of PUBLIC File Usage ~ Chocks Public Programs for ‘count’ Code Analyzes PUBLIC File Usage Produces PUBLIC File Index Instructions to Use © CLASS Account to Run Overnight Jobs Analyzes PUBLIC File Usage-Variant of see Cou_ Writes Project Catalog to a Datafile Removes ‘count’ Program Head From All Public Programs Prints Message: ‘RUN C.CLASS .ACME.runover' Restores Destroyed ‘count’ File Analysis of PUBLIC File Usage Updates the NEWS File Associated with PLA PL1 Teaches PL/ACME Language Converting a PL/ACME Program into an Equivalent PL/1 Program Aliqns a FORTRAN Text File for Compilation Translates FORTRAN Programs to PL/AMCE Aligning a 360 Assembly Language Text File for Assembly Unique Variables Creation for FORTRAN to PL/ACME Translation Runge-Kutta Integration Associated with POWELL RK Solution of Ist Order Ordinary Oiff.Equa. Associated with POWELL Fitting Program for Nonlinear Functions Polynomial Regression Litting Program for Nonlinear Functions Solution af Simultaneous Equations RK Solution of 2nd Order Ordinary Diff. Equa. Associated with DPQWELL Exponential Curve Fitting Interactive Keyword/fntry Generates Concardance Files from Text Files Interactive Keyword/Entry Alphabetization of Elements of String Records Sssociated with CONCERD Associated with CONCORD Acsociated with CONCORD Sorting Quicksort Associated with CONCORD Sorting-Bubblesort Serting-Quicksort Ranking Associated with CONCORD Sorts Text Files Sorting EPUBDIR-1 Page 3 AREA Se EE EE EE DDD AM AMN HD AOAMNANAHOODRMIIGGIIOAIAG DDOODODOOOOOD0 242222222 NOTE ERR EBU EARSPE EED BER ETEAU BER EDY EFD EDZ EFC EBS EDG EBL EDG EDG EBK EDT EDA EDF EDT EBO EBIB ECONCO EBIB EDU ECONCO ECONCO ECONCO ESORT ECONCO EBN ESORT ECONCO ESORT ESORT AZTEC CUADRO TRON FFT CHI 28Y2 St_table WETGTREG ANOVATWO 7EROFIT LINREG JACKNIFE GOODFIT STEPREG KWTEST LACFTSUB LACKFIT SURVIVE BAL THREE GENCORR MULT TSQUARE DISCRIM2 TYPEWRIT EDITER EZALIGN TABRIT JUSTIFY LISTER RECORDHX stak off staklist UNCRUNCH VERIFY DIRECTOR JOBTAKER TBMTAPE CATALOG D EMPTY DATAPROG HE XARI TH SCRATCH CRUNCH COPIER CODE DATACOPY KEYSORT RECOMPOS LISTAKER primes NEWS referenc ONCALL CHD DIAG matrix MAPIT disease symp toi incratio Data Reduction for a Sequence of Samples Smoothing Using a Square Window Smoothing by Troning with an Exponential Decreasing Window Fast Fourier Transforms Chi-Square Statistic with Continuity Correction Student's T-Table Weighted Linear Regression Two-Way Analysis of Variance (Unequal Cel) Frequency) Least Squares Line Through Origin Linear Regression Ratio Jacknife Test for Goodness of Fit Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression Non-Parametric Analysis of Variance (One-Way) Test for Linearity of Regression Test for Linearity of Regression Life Table Construction Analysis of Variance for a Balanced Three-Way Design Correlation Coefficients (Missing Data) Multiple Regression Hotelling's T-Square Discriminant Analysis for Two Groups Printing a Text File with Page Breaks Converts a Program to a Standard Format Aligns a Text File to a Desired Line Width Composes Programs with Tabular Output Text Justification Formatted Terminal Listing Analyzes Content of Text Lines Associated with LISTAKER-Determines Contents of ‘staklist' Associated with LISTAKER-Order Queue Restores CRUNCHed Programs Corrects an October 1970 System Error Temporarily Changes Realtime Directory Entries User-Program-Driven Version of LISTAKER Dumps/Restores ACME Disk files to/from IBM tape Listing of User's Dataset Sizes and Types Neletes Empty Files Writes a Data File into a Program File Hexadecimal Integer Arithmetic Routine Deletes Datasets from User's File Collapsing Program Data Sets Reproduces a Complete or Partial Program Data Set Encodes and Decodes User's Files Reproduces a Complete or Partial Data File Does Keyword Search on ACME Note Index Recomposes PL/ACME Programs from Card Decks Listing/Punching Service Data File of Prime Numbers-First 1000 in an Array Printing of News Items on Terminal Associated with CHD_DIAG Scheduling Program for Residents On Call Teaches Diagnostic Techniques to Interns Associated with CHD DIAG Mapping Bacterial Chromosomes Associated with CHD DIAG Associated with CHD DIAG Associated with CHD DIAG Dist: Staff/Mod Al1/A11 FPUBDIR-1 Page 4 OS KOK OK KOK KE KOC OC COCC COCO COCOCOC OC COCO CE HHH HA AHNNNNNUNHNNDHHHHNNNNNDDDBD ULA ULC UEI EFFT EBY EBD EDK EBM EBE EBG EBV EEA EBP ETLR EAM ESURV EDN EAP EAN EBX EBW EEC EDL EEB EDV EDE EDH J20 EFE EFE EDS URTO J34 EIBMTP J40 EDPD EDB EDD EEZ EDR EDP EEY EDQ ERECOM EFE EEN EBH EDA