J-h3 STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER Computing Newsletter Published Irregularly by the ACME Staff Vol. 9, No. 3 July 11, 1972 CONTENTS Item Page 1. Application of the ACME Quantity Discount to More Than One ACME Account...cescereoee eee cere enves see necene oe eecees eee eccnee eee L 2. New PUBLIC Program RECOMPOS: Recomposing PL/ACME Programs from Card Decks.....cceccsccsssccces Pr se eceeee oe e ener ec escnne - 1 3. Error in ACME Note ELVSIM: PDP-11 Simulator on ACME........ccceeveees 1 4, ACME Staff Directory ........05.. seen eens eee ccc enesees cave uens wae 2 5. New and Revised ACME Notes Since Last Newsletter (6/13/72) vevecvevvace 4 I-43 Page 1 1. Application of the ACME Quantity Discount to More Than One ACME Account: ACME offers a quantity discount for accounts running over 36,000 pageminutes per month. This level of use corresponds to roughly 60 terminal hours per month for the average user. Some departments have several ACME accounts which may be eli- gible to be grouped together, with the quantity discount to be applied to the combined pageminute total. Criteria for this special application of the quantity discount are as follows: 1. The several accounts must be subdivisions of one project, funded from @ single grant or source of funds associated with a particular Prin- cipal Investigator, or, in the case of the Hospital, a unique application or function. é. If application of the first criterion is not clear, approval of the ACME Subcommittee on User Charges must be obtained. 3. All of the accounts to be so grouped must be in the same ACME category and be charged to the same university account number associated with a Single grant or other source of funds. If you think you have accounts that meet these criteria, please call Erica Baxter at ext. 6137. In order to receive this discount for a particular billing period, it will be necessary to hear from you no later than seven days before the end of that billing period (i.e., by the 10th of the month). In future, when you set up new accounts, consider before you send in your application whether the new account should be combined with existing accounts for purposes of the quantity discount. If it should be so combined, state this is a note attached to your application forms. Erica Baxter 2. New PUBLIC Program RECOMPOS: Recomposing PL/ ACME Programs from Card Decks: A new program is available on the PUBLIC file. Program RECOMPOS takes programs which have been stored on card decks and returns them to their original form after the card decks have been read into a dummy text file. This new program is documented in ACME Note ERECOM, available in the ACME Office, TC 101. Bob Bassett 3. Error in ACME Note ELVSIM: PDP-11 Simulator on ACME: The return values of SPEC11 are: 1 the specified 11 is acceptable -1 the specified 11 is too small QO the specified high core locations are improper The printed version of the Note has the -1 and the 0 reversed in two places, in Section II (page 2, lines 21 and 27) and in the Appendix. Ying Lew ACME Staff Directory Telephone: (415) 321-1200 Accounting: Applications Programmers: General Statistical Realtime CONSULTING: Alternate Telephone Courses to Learn PL/ACME: Registration Tnstructors Director's Office: Director Assistant Director Secretary Consultant Engineering Services: MACHINE ROOM/OPERATIONS: New Accounts: Newsletter: Operations: Operations Manager Operators Refunds: Secretary: Systema Programmers: Compiler File System Terminal 1/0 IBM 1800 PDP~11 Terminals: To request installation To report trouble Erica Baxter Bob Bassett Marlin Prowell(part~time) Mark Goheen( summer ) Marie Anne Neimat (summer ) Steve Weyl (sumer ) Jane Whitner Linda Crouse Madeline Aranda Linda Crouse Chuck Granieri Voy Wiederhold Ron Jamtgaard Lee Hundley Madeline Aranda Gio Wiederhold Russ Matheson Tom Nozaki Burt Stubbs Erica Baxter Erica Baxter Charlie Class Dave Cannon(part-time) Rich Cower Jim Matous Marlin Prowell(part-—time) Jan Sutter Erica Baxter Madeline Aranda Chuck Granieri Lee Hundley Stu Miller Regina Frey Ying Lew Bob Stainton Lee Hundley Lee Hundley Ying Lew Charlie Class Mailing Address (for all ACME Staff): Interdepartmental Mail -—- U. S. Post Office Mail -- From Medical Center: From Campus: Office ToLky TC117 TC11LT TC117 TC117 TCLO5 TCLLT TOLLS S101B TC11LT TC1O1 TCLYS TCl17 TC1L7T TC101B TC1h3 TCLOL TC139 TC123 TC123 TC123 $101 TCLYL TCL42 TCLOLA S101 S101 S10l S101 S101 TCL4YL TCLOL TC117 TCLE3 TCLES TC1LOT TCLOS TCLS TC143 TC1S3 TCLOS TCLOLA S101 Stanford Computation Center, Polya Hall Stanford, Calif. 94305 g-43 Page 2 Ext. 6132 6120 6120 62h2 6241 6126 6120 6124 5340 6120 6121 6124 6131 6241 6121 6127 6121 6128 6129 6129 6129 5903 6132 6132 6122/5903 5903 5903 5903 5903 5903 6132 6121 6131 6127 612 6125 6126 612) 6127 6127 6126 6122 5903 ACME, Room TC101, Medical Center ACME, Polya Hall, Computation Center “ ipe Zod Bassett x6120 | oo Jane Whitner ¥6129 Mark Goheen Chuck Granicri x6131 ACME Terminal Room ‘ ACME | TerineL | Room L Engineering Services Tom Nozaki Burt Stubbs x6129 Ruse Matheson SULY 1972 ACME OFFICES Me. rie Anne Neimat x6129 x6742 ACME Library _ — Regina Frey x6125 a wv Q . | Gio Wiederhold ‘a x6128 8 Ying Lew my Steve Weyl R x6126 Erica Baxter Charles Class x6132 p—--- —_ | x6122 F 3 ACME OFFICE 8 kon Jamvgaard Stu Miller (Director) Bob Stainton Madeline Aranda x6121 x6121 x6124 Lee Hundley x6127 TM 101 T 145 TC 143 I-44 Page 3 Joh Page 4 2, New and Revised ACME Notes Since Last Newsletter (June 13, 1972): New: BDW-1 The Use of a General-Purpose Time-Shared Computer in Physiology Research (E. Dong and G. Wiederhold) June 30, 1972. ELVS IM-1 PDP-~11 Simulator on ACME (Y. Lew) June 14, 1972. EPORT-1 User Instructions: Execuport 300 Terminal (B. Stainton) July 6, 1972. Revised: APUB-10 Papers Written by ACME Users (E. Baxter) June 27, 1972. FB-6 ACME File System--Control Block Formats (R. Frey) June 19, 1972. KT-4 Using the Model 33 Teletype (B. Stainton) June 15, 1972. KU-3 Using Correspondence Code 2741 Terminals (B. Stainton) June 26, 1972. Erica Baxter