ACME Computing Facility | “Advanced Computer for Medical Research Stanford University pans of Medicine ANNUAL REPORT “FY, 1972 Primary support from Biotechnology Resources Branch ~ National Institutes of Health NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH DIVISION OF RESEARCH RESOURCES BIOTECHNOLOGY RESOURCES BRANCH RESOURCE IDENTIFICATION if Pe Report Period: Grant No, As +e . From: August 1, 1971 To: July 31, 1972 RR - 311 - 06 “s Date of Report Preparation: May 1972 Name of Resource Resource Address Resource Telephone No. Advanced Computer for MEdical | Stanford University (415) 321-1200 ext. 6121 Research (ACME) School of Medicine Stanford, Calif. 94305 Principal Investigator Title Academic Dept. Lederberg, Joshua Professor Genetics Grantee Institution Type of Institution Investigator's : Telephone No, Stanford University Private Non-Profit University School of Medicine (415) 321-1200 ext. 5801 Name of Institution's Biotechnology Resource Advisory Committee: ACME Policy Committee Membership of Biotechnology Resource Advisory Committee: Name Title Department Institution *Elliott Levinthal Assoc. Dean for Research Genetics SU Med School Stanley Cohen Assistant Professor Clin. Pharmacology " Joseph DeGrazia Assistant Professor Nuclear Medicine " Donald Harrison Associate Professor Cardiology " Sumner Kalman Professor Pharmacology " Howard Sussman Assistant Professor Pathology " *Chariman; has reviewed report. Name and Title of Principal Investigator tepesare Date Name and Title of Grantee Institution Official} Signature ) Date Joshua Lederberg, Prof. of Genetics TABLE OF CONTENTS TMTRODUCTION. a cacscccccccncccccwweccccs ccascassccncesccncccccceel i. Ii. Itt. IV. SUMMARY... cece ccc ccc cc cc ncccccccnscccncucececcecccuccacccncd A. Highlights of Piscal Year, 1972... cccscccccencccecsecesld Be Goals for Piscal Year, 1973... cccccccccccacccccecescces3 C. Comment on Medical Center Coaputer Planning. ........0.04 D. Overview of Six-Year ACHE Experiment... ....cccccccesccecd STANFORD MEDICAL CEWTER COMPUTING PLANS. gc cccccccccccccccee? A. The Sedical Center Scene... .ccccoccccccccccaccacesccecel Bo ACME FoOllOW-On Grant.ceccccccceccccccrcccscccsccvesesscel ACME FACILITY ACCOMPLISHMBETS, 197 2eccccccncccencccacccsceed A. Planning StudieS.....ccccccccccccccccececcccccccccececed B. ew and Continuing Application Programs......ccceececee ll C. System Software Improvements... ..cccoenccccasccccesccee t3 D. Hardware Changes... cccsacccccccccccccccacccsccccccccce lt? E. Operations Report. ccccccccccee cccscccsnccsecscccccccesell Po. Education and Training. .ccccecceccscccccccccccsccascavela PLANNED PROGRAM POR 1973.2 cccccccccccccccecccccccccccccess 24 An ODJECCIVES cc reer ecccccccccccccccancccccccccccecacacsces 24 B. Applications Development... ....ccccccccccccccccccccese ltt Cc. Hardware ACQUISITIONS. oo cere ecewe scene sccceseccceeceee 2 De. System Software... ccc cc ccaccccccccccccccccccccccccse eld ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION. ccc cca cccccccecccccncseccesseed3 (ii) VI. BUDGET 2. ce cc cc cw mec ccc mecca c wc c ccc cece wesc ccececscccesccse JD Aw. Resource Expenditures. .cwaccccccacccscccrccccseaccccs 39 B. Justification for 1973 Budget. .... cca ccccccccccccecee 36 C. Expenditure Details. ...cseesesccccccsescscaccrccssccee 38 D. Summary of Resource Funding... ccccsccsccccavcccccssees 43 E. Resource Equipment LiStecsccccccccccceccccccccaccccees 44 Fo Income Projection. 2. ccccccscccncccccccccccccscccccccce 4/7 VIL. PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS... cc ccccccc ccs ccccccscccccccccsccccccs 49 A. Core and Collaborative Research... .cccccccccccacsc cece s 49 Bo SeLVice Projects... 2. cece ccc ccc ccccancccccecccccccscsee 56 Cw. Training Project. ence ccccccccccccccccccccccccscessces 18 VIII. UTILIZATION DATA. cc cc cc ccc ccc cccncccc ence cesses asececcess G2 A. Interpreting Utilization Charts... cece cccccaccncccccee 82 B. PatternS Of USC... cc cccccccccc acca nanccsacecsecccccces B3 Cw. Utilization Charts... wc ccccccccccnccnscccccccccccccsce 85 D. Summary of Computer Resource USage...cccccccsccccccece 89 IX. PUBLICATIONS... cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ccc ccswccncascncsaccccesccesecelll A. Publications in Regularly Scheduled Periodicals.......111 Be Other Publications. .cccsccacccncaccccccacvcccscceceesall2 Cw. Staff Technical Notes... .cccccccaccccccccccccscascces cll] Appendix A: Summary of Campus/ACME Merger Study......... 223 Appendix B: ACME System Core Timing Results...eccneecece 0l28 Appendix C: Results of Three Compaction Algorithas...... .136 Appendix D: Comparison of Meantime Between Pailures......137 Appendix E: Proposal for Ssall Computer Service......... .138 (iii) Major portions of this report were prepared using the Stanford Campus Facility WYLBOR and ACME Facility text editing prograas. Final copy was produced on the ACMB systen printer. (1) INTRODUCTION ACME, Advance Computer for NEdical Research, is about to conclude its sixth year as a research, development, and service facility. One year ago, a fifteen month adsinistrative extension was requested to become effective August 1, 1972. after dis- cussion with NIH, our fifteen ronth extension reguest was reduced to twelve aonths. This annual report describes the accoaplishsents of the past year and proposes a new work program for the fiscal year 1973. We expect this to be the final year of NIB support for ACME under this grant. A new competing proposal has been sub- mitted separately for the creation of a new research resource at Stanford. The primary task to be accoaplished under the last year of the ACME grant is preparation for the transition to a Service facility whose operating costs, hopefully, will be total- ly recovered from user fees. During the past several months, a number of faculty seabers have contributed actively to long term computer planning for the Medical Center. One question still uader review is a proposed merger of an academic service-computing facility such aS ACRE with the Hospital Data Processing facility. A parallel but separate planning effort is erbodied in a proposal for “SUMEX" (Stanford University Medical Experizentation Computer Facility), a new research resource for compater-acience research on bio-medical problemas. At the university level, planning has dealt with the interrelationships among Nedical Center, university administration, and all other caepus coaputing. A brief description of several of these planning activities is incorporated in this report. (2) I. SUMMARY A- Highlights of Fiscal Year, 1972 The gost significant accomplishment of the past fiscal year has been the active involvement of the faculty and tech- nical staff in planning the future of computing at the Stanford Medical Center. Although the long range-~plans have not been completed, considerable progress has been sade, resulting in a far better understanding of our current and future needs. The long-term viability of ACSE, viewed as a service facility for the Medical Center, is tied to its ability to earn income sufficient to cover cost. In mid-April, 1972, a new rate schedule became effective for ACHE users. Monthly income in the last three agonths of this fiscal year, is expected to reach an average of $40,000. This figure includes both computer service income, which reverts to the grant budget, and terminal service income, which is handled outside of the ACME grant. Several major users have developed new systeas on ACME which will be moved to dedicated Standalone systeas in produc- tion mode. As soon as these dedicated systeas are available, income from these sources will drop. On the other hand, one can expect that new applications will continue to be developed which in turn will generate new income. Service on the ACME facility has been parkedly isgproved in the past fiscal year by the installation of new hardware and software. New hardware includes faster bulk core, a small machine interface capable of handling up to 16 satellites, faster access disk drives, an initial complement for the saail Bachine equipment pool, a terminal controller that will support multiple terminal speeds, and new gtaphics hardware. Software improvements include improveaents to the realtine systen, extended graphics support, improved text editing, additional] terminal support, improved small sachine support, file support, and compiler improvements. Several new and interesting user projects were implemented during the past year. Some of the sore interesting new projects include Dr. Greents activity in Biological Science, Dr. Kadis in Anethesia, Dr. Tatton in Biological Science, Dr. Lawrence William in Oncology, and Dr. Jerome Gold in Diagnostic Radiology. These projects are described in the project descriptions in Section VII. (3) Continuing user projects include the DENDRAL project, which has connected a new Varian G@ass-spectrometer to the ACHE System and has used the General Purpose Graphics Terminals (developed by Dr. Shipton at University of Iowa) to actively Support spectrometer operatioas. Also, Dr. Stanley Cohen's drug interaction project has received considerable prograa assistance during the past year. His project, formerly part of ACHE's core research activity, received independent funding in November of 1971. A close cooperation between ACME and the drug interaction project continues. Dr. James Fries in Inmunology has continued to develop his time-oriented sedical record concept. His system has received good acceptance among physicians an the rheumatic clinics and is being actively considered for implementation by other departsents (Oncology, Cardiology, and Hematology). The Oncology Department has recently started data entry under prograas designed to use the tiaze-coriented medical record. Utilization of ACHE has risen only slightly during the past year. However, this is considered highly satisfactory since the amount of subsidized usage has decreased markedly while the amount of paid usage has increased. also, since the basic service charge is measured as pages of occupied core times sinutes used, installation of a faster core box necessarily resulted in more computing accoaplished in a fewer nuaber of pagerinutes. B. Goals for Fiscal Year, 1973 A sugmary listing of objectives for fiscal year 1973 are presented below: 1. Determine a list of new services required under ACHE to assist in iaproverment of the incosge posture; Then freeze the system after essential changes are aade. 2. Identify critical planning areas for mounting an inter- active PL language on the proposed SUSSEX System (a DEC PDP-10). Improve the documentation of the ACME systea in those areas that will be required to assist in the transition. 3. actively support the activities of the Stanford Medical Center Computer Planning Committee. 4 Improve small sachine support, especially by assist- ing users in taking advantage of the new small sachine aultiplexor. (4) 3. Provide batch services to better utilize the night shift hours. 6. Assist in coordination of a project to generalize programs for the time-oriented medical records systen so that multiple departaents can share in its use. 7. Select commercially available hardware to replace existing terminals and other peripheral units when performance improvements can be realized at cost effective prices. Attempt to make the use of ACME more cost effective wherever possible. 8. Explore the offering of PL/ACHE services to potential users at other institutions through comserical communications systeas such aS TYSNET. Operational ramifications that might result froma such an offering will be discussed with Biotechnology Resources Branch. In summary these objectives call for provision of new services that will attract added income, the freeze and docunen- tation of the existing system, the release of staff time to work on transitions to future systems, and for attracting and assisting new users. C. Commpent_on Medical Center Computer Planning The Stanford Medical Center consists of the Medical School, Hospital, and Out~Patient Clinics. Computing within the medical School is handled primarily by the ACME facility plus a nuasber of dedicated standalone systems, some of which are connected to ACME. Hospital computing is handled by an adsinistrative data processing facility operating an IBM 360/40. fhe bulk of the out-patient clinic computing is currently handled by the University Administrative Data Processing Facility on an IBM 370/145. This distribution of the coaputing load has not proven satisfactory to the user comaunity. A number of alternatives are being explored. The role of ACME during the past three years has been to provide computing services to faculty and staff researchers in the Medical Center. Earlier the role of ACNE vas to develop new techniques for offering such services. As the nueber of users has grown, demand has increased for highly reliable, stable, and available service. For this reason the development effort of the ACME facility has shifted to extensions and improvements to existing facilities rather than radical (5) changes which would severely impact availability of routine Service computing. To provide a research systea which can tackle probleas associated with high data rate realtine research is the subject of a separate proposal recently submitted. This proposal calls for the creation of a dual processor facility in which one processor and its peripherals are dedicated to providing service to the aedical comaunity, while the second processor will be dedicated to a saall nuaber of research groups. The organization of the planning effort, current status, and a brief discussion of sose of the alternatives under con- sideration are briefly described in Section II. D. Overview of Six-Year ACHE Experisent In the past six years, the NIH-sponsored ACHE experizent has assomplished the following: 1. Acoustic couplers, modems, etc. 1,400 5h U79 50 ,000 Data Set and Line Rentals 8,000 8,400 Maintenance (Under outside contract )14,500 14,805 Total Equipment 4O5 ,218 403,578 C. (41) Expenditure Details DIRECT COSTS ONLY August 1, 1971- July 31, 1972 Consumable Supplies Office Computer Subtotal, Consumable Supplies Travel Frey -U. of Missouri Comp. Ctr., 8/6/71 -SHARE, New York, 8/9-12 -Automated Health Sys., Wakefield, Mass., 8/13 Nozaki -WESCON, S.F., 8/25 Wiederhold-SIGPLAN Symp., Purdue Univ. , 10/24-26 Jamtgaard -MUMPS Sys., Boston Gen. Hosp., 11/28-30 Jamtgaard -Conference, S.F., 1/19- 1/21/72 3,700 22200 9,200 77 9 359 426 78 Wiederhold-Conference, 8.F., 1/19-21 78 Wiederhold-Conference, Washington, D.C. , 1/28-29 Granieri -~SHARE, S.F., 3/6-10 Wiederhold-SHARE, S.F., 3/6-10 364 20 Th Granieri -IBM Class, S.F., 4/12-14 33 Class -SJCC, Atlantic City & DEC, Boston 5/15-18 All Other Travel Subtotal, Travel Engineering Services Publication Costs Computer Services 360/67 PDP-10 and Line Charges Staff Training Subtotal, Computer Services 925 1,257 4,000 30 ,000 2 ,000 2500 600 3,100 August 1, 1972- 3,700 _6 ,000 9,700 4,000 31,500 2,500 2 500 3,000 _2,,400 7,900 (42) C. Expenditure Details DIRECT COSTS ONLY August 1, 1971- August 1, 1972- July 31, 1972 July 31, 1973 9. Other Expenditures Audio-Visual Presentation re 700 Books and Periodicals 200 200 Postage and Freight 2,000 2,000 Telephone 7,000 7,000 Physical Plant 100 300 Technical Services 800 1,000 Subtotal, Other 10 ,100 11,200 GRAND TOTAL -- DIRECT costs 805 ,292 849 ,854 (43) D. Summary of Resource Funding BUDGET PERIODS Actual Estimated Previous Current Next Budget Budget Budget Period Period Period Source of Funds Computer Equipment - Service 170 ,596 270 ,000 360 ,000 Biotech. Resources Branch Support Amount of Current Award: Line (5) of Award Statement 675,747 573,755 511,625 Adjustment from Prior Periods: 1. Line (4) of Current Award 76,459 273275 <27 5275> 2. Balance of 270 x/y Proceeds 5,292 Total BR Support Tek ,931 606 , 322 511 ,625 TOTAL FUNDING 895 ,527 876 , 322 871 ,625 (44) TE*STTSOE 89a SSEST G6°LGESS OO*QTTS HE Teyo], woTyearnstyuoy 0G/09E 0S°€66' 6 OS°Syy tren -- 00°StS*6 TL-@- eT aBeI04S e100 gZzZzT-0S WOU GE *SZOSE GE°STT 2 ota = 00°L06°2 2L-ET-T "asqys ‘ssooy'atqd LEo-HTE od SE *SZOSE GE°QTT tren -- 00° LO6‘ 2 TL-O072T "asqgsseoy UId €O-HTE Oa > XHdWV Ot TT6 On Et 00° LTZ 0g 00° Sgost 4 FUN TOXqZUOD =. HOT -T eee 0g * zon T 08°99 00° HEE 02 00°0195 T ‘ TOLqUuoD -uoTSsTusUueBIT, SgToe-col2 Bo'ee gS°T OS°€ OT 00° SE qiun szeqydepy eyed =r TTT-tol2 00° T98 oO°Th 00°S0z2 OZ 00°SZ0*T “ qtun saqdepy eyeq = HH TTT-TOLZ 0° 96S On'e?2 00° enT 0g 00° OTL a young tepesy ptep TESet-OnSe og Lal 09°SE 00°gLT 02g 00°06 A Torjzuog ytuq edey "Sey geLol-Corn? 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Income Projection: A revised rate structure was implemented effective April 16, 1972. In general, rates for use of ACME were increased by 25% to 30%. Some users computing bills were doubled as a result of the new increase. Actual income for the month ending May 15, 1972 amounted to $31,500. Some users will reduce their utilization due to the higher rates. A conservative estimate of income for fiscal year 1973 is $360,000. This figure does not include the terminal service fees which cover terminal rent plus other services to the ACME user community which could not be covered by the current funding level of the ACME grant. Some major users of the current system will be transferring loads to dedicated small computer systems in the next 1l2-month period. One such user is Dr. Stanley Cohen whose Drug Interaction Program should be running on a dedicated PDP-1l by early 1973. Another such user is Dr. Howard Sussman in the Clinical Laboratory; programs are being written now for use of the newly acquired Sigma 3 by the Clinical Laboratory. Both Drs. Cohen and Sussman will continue to make some use of ACME for data analysis but the income from these two sources will be much reduced over current jevels. On the next page you will see a table which shows the monthly income collected by ACME for the past nine months. Based upon this experience and the estimated impact of the higher rates, it is felt that the $360,000 is a reasonable estimate of next fiscal year's income from computer service fees. 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LTT 95° TSET T6S6¢ aL suyuyerL 200° THS €€G°n660T O'S6EST Sot aoTArTag gt2e"ss2 2T6°G LSS 6°clgL 02 BATPBLOQBT LOD €56°OTR 966° Legg L°ggt2t 0g qyemdoTesed pues ydreasoy a0) Tp09forg Jo aJsquny £0n One T 908° 11eS2 G* 1620" IVLOL GNVUD £0g*92 6TH 19S Q°HLET WIOL-Ens yooTq sed aqnuTmesed ot’ $ & qed ¢z0" $ 8 (SIQVIOUVHD) S08 pozZeTey-up;TeaH-uoy = -G& AroFeBD LIE *O€ G0S° LLOe T'SlQTt TWLOL-ans ‘antares AOwmTeyd Te4 LTE “Of g0S* Lice T'9/gT s -- apung *deoH -- -ydeoy Goaforg uoTyoerequ anid “Lat Aavureug - Hns werty “elas xooTq sad aynupueied ot* $ ® aad 6200" $ ® (ST@VEDNVHD) VOT BoTTddy pe PoOrsasey 810) Jo uopheutquo) OT Axoze3zB5 wane nnn nee een deen eee enn eee en dee ene e ene enna nnn ne pe ene e ne Saeconeeoee 4---- wep nner n ene een bee ew eee nen nnn eee en eee we ho wee Lem n nna ence newer ecene cog ‘T ToL’o gre WOL-ans “eTeamajyuny Jo suerpul uvfew jo €09°T TOL*S g°2 s seTpnys Soyyoued uoTyeTndod “LYN /SId sotryetpad ParBaAoH ‘uueD HoOTQ Jad ayrupuaded or 3 © xed too" $ ® (saaa) papungfuoy papueyxg = auyyirway-uon — ¢T Ar0Faqe5 Se 0] ¥EsHOOTE) (MN) Sequyusied samo #fz03 | “quy Tenuuy Aguaay Taqumy FMIL Loaroud NOTLAITISNI EOLYOLISEANT (1, ©2b4955 ¥DOTZ ssaooy TeuyuLiaL ~3q8) queamye uoTyBoTsTquep] CUS WEYST fiQhgoo CMIEYHS TOL + SoysA Zo Lory avg LYOdd Ne LOVYLNOD GO LIVED Losi Pupuiwal = L eotAges =o PATIBAOAVTTOS = O cht Gt thay - Tct {Lt Trady queccotaas® pud yoTveses eTOl = 409 * SOYSN = OUNSSEd dadNdnod dO ALWES (111) IX. PUBLICATIONS A. = - . Published in Regularly Scheduled Periodicals During Fiscal 1972 Ammerman, A., and L.L. Cavalli-Sforza, "Measuring the Rate of Spread of Early Farming in Europe," MAN, Vol. 6, pp. 674-688, December 1971. Chester, T., P. DeClercq, and T. Merigan, "PolyrI, PolyrC and Antibody, Interferon, and Phagcytosis," INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, April 1971. Glaze, H.J., Jr., and E. Dong, "Vagal Control of Heart Rate," in Abstracts of the American Heart Association, 44th Scientific Sessions, Supplement II to CIRCULATION, Vol. XLIV, October 1971. Glick, D., K. Marich, J. Orenberg, P. Carr, and D. Miller, "Effect of Atmosphere on Spectral Emission from Plasmas Generated by the Laser Microprobe," ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 43, pp. 1452-1456, September 1971. Ingels, N.B., Jr., G.T. Daughters, II, S.R. Davies, and I.B. MacDonald, "Stereo Photogrammetric Studies on the Dynamic Geometry of the Canine Left Ventricular Epicardium," J. BIOMECHANICS, Vol. 4, pp. 541-550, 1971. Kaplan, B.E., J.C. Corby, and P.H. Leiderman, "Attention and Verbalization: Differential Responsivity of Cardiovascular and Electrodermal Systems," JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC RESEARCH, Vol. 15, pp. 323-328, 1971. Levine, R. and N. Kretchmer, "Conversion of Carbamyl Phosphate to Hydroxyurea: An Assay for Carbamyl Phosphate Synthetase," ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 324-337, August 1971. Levine, R., N. Hoogenroad, and N. Kretchmer, “Copurification of Carbamoy] Phosphate Synthetase and Aspartate Transcarbamoylase from Mouse Spleen, " BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 44, pp. 981-988, 1971. Levine, R., N. Hoogenroad, and N. Kretchmer, “Regulation of Activity of Carbamoy] Phosphate Synthetase from Mouse Spleen," BIOCHEMISTRY, Vol. 10, No. 20, pp. 3694-3699, 1971. Melges, F.T., R.E. Anderson, H.C. Kraemer, J.R. Tinklenberg, and A.E. Weisz, "The Personal Future and Self-Esteem," ARCHIVES OF GENERAL PSYCHIATRY, Vol. 25, pp. 494-497, December 1971. Morris, S., H. Ralston, and . Shooter, "Studies on the Turnover of Mouse Brain Synaptosomal Proteins," J. NEUROCHEM., Vol. 18, pp. 2279-2290, 1971. Nola, G., et al., "Action of Acetystrophanthidin on Experimental Myocardial Infarction," AMER. J. PHYSIOL., Vol. 222, pp. 265-71, February 1972. Pauling, L., A.R. Robinson, R. Teranishi, and P. Cary, "Quantitative Analysis of Urine Vapor and Breath by Gas - Liquid Partition Chromatography," PROC. NAT. ACAD. SCI. USA, Vol. 68, No. 10, pp. 2374-2376, October 1971. (112) Silbergeld, S., N. Brast, and E. Noble, “The Menstrual Cycle: A Double-Blind Study of Symptoms, Mood, and Behavior, and Biochemical Variables Using Enovid and Placebo," PSYCHOSOMATIC MEDICINE, Vol. 33, p. 411, 1971. Swanson, G., T. Carpenter, D. Snider, and J. Bellville, "An On-Line Hybrid Computing System for Dynamic Respiratory Response Studies", COMPUTERS AND BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH, Vol. 4, pp. 205-215, April 1971. Teranishi, R., T.R. Mon, A.B. Robinson, P. Cary, and L. Pauling, “Gas Chromatography of Volatiles from Breath and Urine," ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 44, p. 18, January, 1972. Thoman, E., C. Barnett, and P. Leiderman, "Feeding Behaviors of Newborn Infants as a Function of Parity of the Mother," CHILD DEVELOPMENT, Vol. 42, pp. 1471-1483, 1971. Thoman, E., J. Olson, and P. Leiderman, "Neonate-Mother Interaction During Breast-Feeding," DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 110-118, 1972. Thoman, E. and A. Korner, "Effects of Vestibular Stimulation on Behavior and Development of Infant Rats," DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 92-98, 1971. Watson, W., H.M. Cann, E.M. Farber, and M.L. Nall, "The Genetics of Psoriasis," ARCH. DERM., Vol. 105, pp. 197-207, February 1972. B. Other Publications Ammerman, A., and L.L. Cavalli-Sforza, "A Population Model for the Diffusion of Early Farming in Europe," Proceedings of the Research Seminar in Archaeology and Related Subjects, Sheffield, December 1971. Barth, G., R.E. Linder, E. Bunnenberg, and C. Djerassi, "The Magnetic Circular Dichroism of Porphyrin Dications," presented at the April 3, 1972 Porphyric Conference sponsored by the New York Academy of Sciences, to be published in the ANN. N.Y. ACAD. SCI. (spring 1972). Bernfield, M., "Chromatographic Properties of Pyrrolidone Carboxylate-tRNA," submitted to J. BIOLOGICAL CHEM. (spring 1972). Bernfield, M., "Characterization of Pyrrolidone Carboxylate-RNA from Rat Liver," in preparation (spring 1972). Bodmer, W.F., and L.L. Cavalli-Sforza, "Variation in Fitness and Molecular Evolution," PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH BERKELEY SYMPOSIUM ON MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY, CONFERENCE ON EVOLUTION, April 1971. Bodmer, W.F., and L.L. Cavalli-Sforza, "Migration Matrices," IV INT. CONGR. HUMAN GENETICS PROCEEDINGS, in press (spring 1972) (113) Bodmer, W., and L. Cavalli-Sforza, THE GENETICS OF HUMAN POPULATIONS, Freeman and Company, 1971. Buchanan, B.G., D.H. Smith, R.S. Engelmore, A.M. Duffield, A. Yeo, E.A. Feigenbaum, J. Lederberg, and C. Djerassi, "Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference," submitted to J. AM. CHEM. SOC. (spring 1972). Buchanan, B.G., E.A. Feigenbaum, and J. Lederberg, "A Heuristic Programming Study of Theory Formation in Science," Stanford Artificial Intelligence Project, Memo AIM-145, Computer Science Department Report CS 221, June 1971. Buchanan, B.G., and J. Lederberg, "The Heuristic DENDRAL Program for Explaining Empirical Data," presented at the 1971 Congress of the International Federation of Information Processing Society (August 1971) and published by North Holland Publishing Co. Buchanan, B.G., £.A. Feigenbaum, and J. Lederberg, "Beyond Heuristic DENDRAL," presented at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (September 1971) and published in the Proceedings. Calvert, J.L. and J.H. Frenster, "Economics of Effectiveness and Efficiency in Patient Care," CLINICAL RESEARCH, Vol. 19, p. 501, 1971 (abstract). Calvert, J.L. and J.H. Frenster, "Economics of Investment in Biomedical Research and Current Patient Care," CLINICAL RESEARCH, Vol. 19, p. 499, 1971 (abstract). Cavalli-Sforza, L.L., "Pygmies, an Example of Hunters-Gatherers, and Genetic Consequences for Man of Domestication of Plants and Animals," IV INT. CONGR. HUMAN GENETICS, PROCEEDINGS, in press (spring 1972). Cavalli-Sforza, L.L., and K. Kidd, "Considerations on Genetic Models of oe NEUROSCIENCES RESEARCH PROGRAM BULLETIN, in press (spring 1972). Chester, T., P. DeClercq, R. Newer, and T. Merigan, “Release of Interferon by Cycloheximide," INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, in press (spring 1972). Constantinou, C., and E. Butler, "Medical Application of Computer Displays in the Rapid Examination of Developing Abnormality Patterns in the Kidney," PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF THE SOCIETY OF INFORMATION DISPLAY, Philadelphia, May 1971. Constantinou, C., E. Briggs, R. Dale, and D. Govan, "Real-Time Digital Computer System for Ureteral Physiology Investigation," URODYNAMICS, Chap. 33, Academic Press, New York, 1971. Constantinou, C., J. Sands, and D. Govan, "Computer Monitoring and Control Instrumentation in Urology Research," PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH ANNUAL BIOENGINEERING SYMPOSIUM, Fort Collins, Colo., May 1971. (114) Corby, James C., and B.S. Kopell, "Differential Contribution of Blinks and Vertical Eye Movements as Artifacts in EEG Recording," PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, in press (spring 1972). Corby, J.C., and B.S. Kopell, "The Effect of Predictability on Evoked Response Enhancement in Selective Attention," submitted to PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY (spring 1972), DeGrazia, J.A., and MR. MacLaury, “Radioressirometry Studies of the Effects of L-dopa and ™K486 Therapy -- A Mcdei Application of Carbon Isotopes to the in vivo Evaluation of Intermediary Metabolism During Clinical Drug Trials," accepted for publication by the AEC (spring 1972). Dong, E., and G.C.M. Wiederhold, "The Use of a General-Purpose Time~Shared Computer in Physiology Research," to be published in the PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH ANIMALS IN MEDICINE (spring 1972). Farber, E.M., "Genetics of Psoriasis: Twin Study," in PSORIASIS: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, STANFORD UNIVERSITY, 1971, E.M. Farber and A.J. Cox (eds.), Stanford Press, 1971, Feigenbaum, E.A., B.G. Buchanan, and J. Lederberg, "On Generality and Problem Solving: A Case Study Using the DENDRAL Program," in MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, B. Mellzer and D. Michie (eds.), Edinburgh Press, 1971. Fries, J., "Time-Oriented Patient Records and a Computer Databank, " presented at American Fed. for Clinical Res. Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, May 1971. Fries, J., "“Time-Oriented Patient Records and a Computer Databank, JAMA, in press (spring 1972). Fries, J., "Questions for the Computer," a demonstration to the National Meeting of the American Rheumatism Association, San Diego, December 1971. Fries, J., “The Effect of Ice Water on Esophageal Rewarming in Connective Tissue Diseases (CTD)," abstract submitted to GASTROENTEROLOGY (spring 1972), Glaze, H.J., Jr., and £. Dong, "Mathematical Analysis of the Impulse Response of the Vagal Nerve - Heart Pacemaker System," in PROCEEDINGS OF THE 24TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, Vol. 13, 1971. Glick, D., "Cytochemical Ane: :..5 by Laser Microprobe - Emission Spectroscopy," RECENT ADVANCES IN QUANTITATIVE HISTO- AND CYTOCHEMISTRY, pp. 192-193, 1971. Gold, J. A., G.S. Harrell, B.R. Bradley, and F.F. Zboralske, "Sequential Esophageal Blood Flow Determination," submitted ta GASTROENTEROLOGY (spring 1972). (115) Gordon, L., "Completely Separating Groups in Subsampling," submitted to ANNALS OF MATH STATIST., (spring 1972). Gordon, L., “Efficiency in Subsampling," submitted to J. AMER. STATIST. ASSN., (spring 1972). Hillman, R., "The Teaching of Psychotherapy Problems by Computer," ARCHIVES OF GENERAL PSYCHIATRY, in press. Kidd, K., P. Astolfi, and L.L. Cavalli-Sforza, "Error in the Reconstruction of Evolutionary Trees," GENETIC DISTANCE, J.F. Crow (ed.), in press (spring 1972) Kidd, K., and L.L. Cavalli-Sforza, "An Analysis of the Genetics of Schizophrenia," IV INT. CONGR. HUMAN GENETICS, PROCEEDINGS, in press (spring 1972). Kidd, K.K., and L.L. Cavalli-Sforza, "Number of Characters Examined and Error in Reconstruction of Evolutionary Trees," in MATHEMATICS IN THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SCIENCES, F.R. Hodson, D.G. Kendall, and P. Tautu (eds.), Edinburgh University Press, pp. 335-346, 1971. Leiderman, P.H., "African Infant Precocity: Some Social Influences during the Fist Year," submitted to SCIENCE (spring 1972). Leifer, A.D., P.H. Leiderman, C.R. Barnett, and J.A. Williams, "Effects of Mother-Infant Separation on Maternal Attachment Behavior," CHILD DEVELOPMENT, in press (spring 1972). Luzzatti, L. and H. Pryor, "Body Proportions and Dermatoglyphic Patterns in oye with Cleft Lip and/or Palate," submitted to PEDIATRICS (spring 1972). Luzzatti, L., and L. Knight, "The Replication Pattern of the X and Y Chromosomes in Partially Synchronized Lymphocyte Cultures, submitted to CHROMOSOMA (spring 1972). Luzzatti, L. and L. Knight, "“Intrapair and Interpair Chromosome Distance at Metaphase in Human Lymphocytes," in preparation (spring 1972). McConnell, H.M., and P. Devaux, "Lateral Diffusion in Spin Labeled ro Choline Multilayers," J. AM. CHEM. SOC. in press (spring 1972). Mesel, E. and M.J. Gelfand, "An Automated Data Analysis and Acquisition System for a Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory," COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, in press. Raybin, D.M., L.L. Bertsch, and A. Kornberg, "A Phospholipase in Bacillus Megaterrum Unique to Spores and Sporangia," to be published in BIOCHEMISTRY, (spring 1972). Reynolds, W., "Biochemical Applications of Mass Spectrometry," Chapter III, (ed. by Waller), to be published by John Wiley & Sons, New York (spring 1972). (116) Rosenthal, W.S., "Auditory Threshhold-Duration Functions in Aphasic Subjects: Implications for the Interaction of Linguistic and Auditory Processing in Aphasia," paper delivered at the 47th Annual Convention for the American Speech and Hearing Association, Chicago, November 1971. Rosenthal, W.S., and J. Eisenson, "Auditory Temporal Order in Aphasic Children as a Function of Selected Stimulus Features," JOURNAL OF SPEECH AND HEARING RESEARCH, to be published (spring 1972). Rosenthal, W.S., and J. Eisenson, "Longitudinal Studies of Linguistically Deviant Children," Final Report, Grant NSO7514, National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke, April 1972. Sachs, D.P. and D.M. Rubin, "Mass Media and the Environment," Volumes I, Il, and III, Stanford, 1971. Seashore, M.J., A.D. Leifer, C.R. Barnett, and P.H. Leiderman, "The Effects of Denial of Early Mother Infant Interaction on Maternal Self-Confidence,” JOURNAL OF PERSONALTIY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, in press (spring 1972). Skolnick, M.R., A. Moroni, and L.L. Cavalli-Sforza, "The Population Structure of the Parma Valley, Italy," IV INT. CONGR. HUMAN GENETICS, PROCEEDINGS, in press (spring 1972). Smith, D.H., et al., "Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference: VIII: An Approach to the Computer Interpretation of the High Resolution Mass Spectra of Complex Molecules. Structure Elucidation of Estrogenic Steroids," JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, in press (spring 1972). Zei, G., A. Moroni, and L.L. Cavalli-Sforza, “Age of Consanguineous Marriages," in GENETIQUE ET POPULATIONS. HOMMAGE A JEAN SUTTER, Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques. Travaux et Documents. Cahier No. 60, Presses Universitaires de France, pp. 147-153, 1971. (117) C. Staff Technical Notes AAC-1 AAD-1 ACH- 1 ADDA-1 AFORT-1 AG-1 AORG~-1 APAGE-1 APAGEX~- 1 ARATE-~1 BASS-1 BGOLD-1 ACHE User Accounting -- Update & Listing (Bassett, C. Miller) AUG 13, 1971 APUB -- AUG 13, Update & Listing 1971 (PlaschysC. Miller) Summary NOV 30, of Campus/ACME Serger Study (Jastgaard) 1971 Additions to ACME Software Suggested by Users (Jamtgaard) APE 20, 1972 Implementing a Tise-Shared/Realtise Systea in FORTRAN (Frey) APB 23, 1971 Usage of the ACHE System (Wiederhold) To be published in Statistik an Dokusentation in der Medicine, NOV 15, 1971 ACME Organization Chart (Baxter) MAR 6, 1972 ACME Service Rates (Jantgaard) APR 16, 1972 Description of ACHE Service Rates (Jaatgaard) APR 13, 1972 Revised Rate Structure for ACHE Facility Services (Subpitted to NIH) (Jamtgaard) APR 16, 1972 An Assessment of Current Developrents in Coaputer Technology and their Significance for Developrent at the Stanford Medical Center (Wiederhold) MAY 1, 1972 Beyond LISP (Wiederhold) MAR 29, 1972 ACME Program Library PLA_PLi: Converting a PL/ACSE Program into an Equivalent PL/1 Progras (Berman) JUN 16, 1971 Programs for Processing of Temperature Data in SCLERODERMA (J. Gold/Wiederhold) DEC 30, 1971 bSPD-1 CONS-2 CRASH-1 CSMP-1 CSMPI-1 CTP-1 DEC-1 DP-1 DSLL-1 EDQ- 1 EEW-1 nFFT- 1 EG-1 EIRP-1 EOPS- 1 EPP-2 (118) Sharing Patient Data Files (Wiederhold) MAR 29, 1972 Consulting Schedule (Wiederhold) FEB 2, 1972 Recovery from Cisk Failures (Frey) SEP 24, 1971 Design Considerations for a Digital Analog Simulator on ACME (Hjelmeland) OCT 15, 1971 Interactive Continuous System Modelling Program ‘(J. Hu) APR 16, 1972 Communication Port/Terminal Protection (Wiederhold) MAR 6, 1972 Decimal Arithmetic in ACME (Wiederhold) FEB 14, 1972 Proposal for Decimal Arithmetic in ACME (Wiederhold) FEB 14, 1972 315C (Loma Linda) Display Terminals ({Freret) OCT 28, 1971 ACME Program Library DATACOPY: Reproducing a Complete or Partial Data Pile (Wiederhold) NCV 15, 1971 Accuracy of ACME Statistical Subroutines (Whitner) AUG 9, 1971 ACME Subprograms FFT and FFTD: Fast Fourier Transforms (Whitner) MAR 10, 1972 ACME Subprogram GRAPHH: Creates Display and Plotter Output (Hale) MAK 22, 1971 Information Retrieval Program (Radiation Therapy Dept.) (J. Hu) NOV 18, 1971 Versatile Plotting System {Hale) JUN 15, 1971 ACME Subprogram PLOTPRIN: Flots Graphs and Prints on Line Printer or Terminal (J. Hu) FEB 16, 1972 FPKR-2 FRM-1 FSEC-1 FSTAT-1 FUTIL-1 HAC~-1 HBE-1 HBS~1 HEPR-1 HHOG-1 HLP-1 HPWR-1 HSCI-1 HWEA-~1 J33 (119) Restoring Blocks Onto Disk From Tape (Lew) FEB 29, 1972 File Utility Restore and Move Programs (Frey) JAN 12, 1972 File Security (G. Wiederhold) FEB 25, 1971 File System Statistical Summary (J. Hu) AUG 9, 1971 Pile System Utility Library (Frey) JUN 9, 1971 Log@a Linda Terminal/ACME 1800 Link (Matheson) BUNO57 OCT 11, 1971 Beehive CRT Display Terminal to PDP-11 Interface (Stubbs) JAN 3, 1972 Bioscience/ACME 1800 Digital-Analog Link (M. Hu) EUNO46 SEP 1, 1971 Varian EPR Recorder to IBM 1800 Interface (M. Hu/Matheson) JUL 20, 1971 Cable Voltage Levels for the Sanders (Cower) JUL 9, 1971 Litton Printer to PDP-11 Interface (Stubbs) JAN 3, 1972 A Proposed Method of Protecting Computing Machinery from Power Surges (Hundley) JAN 31, 1972 Scan Converter Interface (Stukbs) JUN 18, 1971 Summary of Western Electric (Telephone Cospany) Analog Modems (Stainton) JAN 17, 1972 User Note: ACME Keywords,Conversion Progras PLA_PL1,Truth Tests in ACME, Computer Room Modifications (Staff) MAY 25, 1971 J34 J35 J36 J37 J38 J39 J4&0 J4i KBEE-1 (120) User Note: Consulting Schedule,Progragr JOBTAKER PUBLIC,Graphics Package OPS (Staff) JUL 20, 1971 User Note: Special Announcement, Hardware Substitutions, Bulk Core, Disk CDPrives, Small Machine Intertace (Jamtgaard) OCT 22, 1971 User Note: New Bulk Core and Cisks, PLCTPRIN, Loma Linda Graphics, New Commands in PL/ACME (Staff) NOV 5, 1971 User Note: Performance Tests cn New Bulk Core, New Text Editing Features, LATACOEY, EVENT, User Tape Services, New Character String Function, New [Information on LOGOFF (Staff) NOV 18, 1971 User note: Holiday Schedule, Fermitting of Real Time Lines, User Services, Consulting Service Schedule, Clean Up Your Files! (Staff) DEC 21, 1971 User note: Seminar on Time-Oriented Medical Records, Small Machine Multiplexor, Medical Center Computer Facility Planning Committee, Printing and Punching Services, Double Precision Argument Bug, New Show Command: SHOW CSOPEN (Staff) FEB 7, 1972 User note: Revised Operating Hours, Medical Computing Seminars, PL/1 versus PL/ACME Compatibility, Small Machine Multiplexor Interface, System Errors 226 and 237({File System), Program CATALCG PUBLIC, Fast Fourier Transforms, Antilogs (Staff) FEB 28, 1972 User Note: Revised Rates for ACME Service, New Terminal Support (Memorex), Medical Computing Seminars, Reassignment of Gio Wiederhold, New ACME Note Index, New LISTAKER/JOBTAKER Feature, Bug: Character string Variable and Title Cption, Card and Paper recyling, Acknowledging ACME in Puklications (Staff) APR 10, 1972 Using the Beehive Terminals on ACHE (Wiederhold) NOV 30, 1971 KON-1 KPERA~2 KTB-1 KTBA-1 LM-5 PEFF-1 PLC-2 PLCH-1 PPa-1 PPLO-1 Pscs-1 RSY-1 UEI-1 UEVT-1 ULA- 1 (121) Comaunication Development (Wiederhold) JAN 4, 1972 PERAIT18 Function - User Perait on 1800 (Granieri) DEC 13, 1971 Character Translations for Teletype and Beehive Terminals (Wiederhold) FEB 14, 1972 Changes to TTY Translation Takles (Stainton) MAY 17, 1972 Edit Commands (Berman) NOV 18, 1971 Proposal to Aid in More Efficient Usage of Disk (Wiederhold) DEC 30, 1971 Compatibility Requiresents for PL/ACAE Programs to Use IBM‘s PL/1 (Wiederhold,sFrey) MAR 8, 1972 A Choice of Language to Support Medical Research (Wiederhold) Position paper for a panel discussion on "Coaputer Language for Medicine," to be held at the 1972 ACM Conference, Boston MAR 6, 1972 ACME/LISP Internal Documentation (Berns) JOL 14, 1971 Proposal: Interactive Prograass for Pile Bditing and Data Plotting (Weyl) APR 20, 1972 Proposal for Small Computer Service By ACBE (Stainton) MAR 21, 1972 Proposal to Allow Release of Sysbol-Table pages in Production Jobs (Wiederhold) NOV 23, 1971 ACNE Realtize Library Program IRON: Smoothing by TRONing with an Exponential Decreasing Window (Wiederhold) DEC 13, 1971 Realtime EVENT Function (Frey) NOV 4, 1971 ACHE Real Time Program Library AZTEC: Data Reduction for a Sequence of Sasples (Wiederhold) NOV 23, 1971 ULC-1 UPDP- | WCTR-1 WDERM-1 WPDP-1 WPDPA~1 WPDPB-1 WPDPC-1 WSVC-1 XPL-1 YDEBE-1 £u-1 L4PICK-2 é6YL-1 (122) ACME Realtime Library CUADRO: Smoothing Using a Square Window (Wiederhold) FEB 17, 1972 PDP-11 Hanging the 360 Channel (Briggs) MAB 1, 1972 ACME System Core Timing Results (AMPEX vs. 18M) (Frey) NOV 29, 1971 Terminal In and Output for 3270 Displays (Wiederhold) DEC 30, 1971 Disk Monitor for the PDP-11 (triggs) JUN 21, 1971 Index for PDP-11 Software Hinder in the Computer Room (Briggs) AUG 9, 1971 Using the Litton Printer On ACME Through the PDP-11 (Briggs) AUG 13, 1971 bisk Monitor Utility Program for the PDP-11 (Briggs) AUG 16, 1971 ACME Written SVCs (Frey) SEP 1, 1971 Inferred Syntax and Semantics of PL/S (WiederholdyEhrman) OCT 15, 1971 NVTDEBE ~ OS/360 Multi-Purpose Utility (Frey) DEC 7, 1971 Flow Chart for ACME System Program MODIFY (Berman) JAN 10, 1972 PICK Flowchart and Tables (Berman) JAN 10, 1972 Flow of Light Logic in YIELD (Wiederhold) DEC 15, 1971 (123) APPENDIX A Summary of Campus/ACME Merger Study (124) ACME Note ACM] Ron Jamtyaard Summary of Campus/ ACME Merger Study November 30, LOY 1 The study of this potential merger has been limited to five specific areas: - The capacity of the 360/67 to absorb the ACME load; * An overview of services and cost considerations; * A brief statement of the planned changes to the Campus Facility; A list of relative advantages and disadvantages of such a merger; and Comments on cost comparisons. There follows a summary of considerations in these five areas. 300/67 Capacity: In July a test was conducted to determine whether the 360/67 timesharing monitor called ORVYL could handle its current load plus ACME's current load plus the anticipated load associated with the new information retrieval system called SPIRES. The test indicated that the 360/67 had adequate cycles and performance capability to handle the anticipated SPIRES load plus a substantial ACMI; load based on current ACME usage levels. The 360/67 has considerable unused capacity today. The test of ORVYL capacity demonstrated that a considerably heavier load could be handled with acceptable degradation and response times to the user. The test did tax the capability of the system with respect to its paging system on the drums; but this was fully expected. The ACMI portion of the test appeared to consume approximately 79 per cent of the 460/67 eycles. The simulation of the ACME load consisted of a series of WORTRAN routines which would require cycles corresponding to approximately 15 users in execublion on the current ACMM hardware (560/50 with ? megabytes of 8 micro- second bulk core). Overview of Service and Cost ConsideraLtions: The Campus Facility provides the following services: production batch service, quick partition batch service, timesharing in at least three languages, text editing, (one of the best found anywhere), plotting, and remote job entry. Many languages are supported in the preduction batch partition. Rates for use of the system have been designed tc remove administrative fiat with respect to scheduling of resource utilization. Thus, priority can be obtained by any user who is willing to pay a fee. No realtime support services are offered at the present time, although there is limited small machine support through the PDP-9. Card readers are handled by both computer operators and users. Fast printing service is available and normally the turn around time is extremely good (a few minutes). Terminal services are normally offered between 8 a.m. and 1:00 a.m. except. for brief periods of system staff time from 5 to 8 p.m. three days per week, plus some system time on weekends. (125) ACM-1 Page 2 Comments On Planned Changes: The Campus Facility is likely to acquire some new hardware by January 1973. The new hardware could either replace existing systems or could supplement them. For example, a fast batch engine could be acquired to support the current 360/67 services, It is essential that any potential hardware changes in the Campus Facility be capable of demonstrating cost effectiveness. Operations over the past 4 years have led to an approximate $600,000 deficit. It is hoped thet user fees and cost reductions over the next couple of years can remove the deficit. The Campus Facility anticipates having the SPIRES Information Retrieval System operating for users within the next year. This new service will fill a major need. The library automation system BALLOTS developed in the environment pro- vided by SPIRES and ORVYL is being developed and has the University Large Lib- rary Commitment. Some of the planned changes on the 360/67 entail optimizing the systems which are presently run there. A major new service to be offered by the Campus Facility will be an interactive version of a subset of the PL/1 lang- uage. This will be especially interesting to users of the current ACME system. Advantages of Potential Merger: 1) Availability of an increased range of services to the Medical School users, including batch service and additional languages; 2) Participation in the system which the University is committed to support would increase the financial support available for computing. The University Computing Fund used for unsponsored research and student computing has been running approximately $700,000 per year. The Medical School use of such funding has been limited to approximately $15,000 per year, primarily due to the avail- ability of ACME. The University's Computing funds have been declared to be unavailable for use on the ACME system since the primary focus of the University must rest with the support of a central system; 3) Data bases could be easily shared among various disciplines within the University; 4) The new SPIRES Information Retrieval facility would be available to medical users; 5) The service center would not be totally dependent upon one source of funding such as NIH with respect to medical funding. Thus it would be less sen- sitive to use by a single group of users; 6) There may be long term advantages associated with economy of scale with respect to hardware, staffing, and physical plant; 7) The Medical School would not have to assume full financial responsibili- ty for a sizable computing facility such as ACME; the risk would be shared among all schools within the University for a central facility. Disadvantages of the Potential Merger: 1) The realtime services which already exist on the ACME system do not exist on the Campus Facility. ACME is currently attempting to develop a real time support system which would be host-machine independent. Campus Facility may add it as a service, 2) ACME type service has a strong personal relationship quality which may be more difficult to attain in a system shared by several thousand users; (126) ACM-1 Page 3 3) The Campus Facility is located more than a quarter mile from the Medical School. Although this distance may sound small, it is a physical obstacle which does present potential interaction problems, despite the terminal service available; 4) Current disk rates and the ORVYL file system will make disk storage more expensive for medical users that the current ACME rates. See the subsequent section on Cost Considerations; 5)