April 18, 1956 Dr. Robert Briggs Lankenau Research Institute Philadelphia ll, Pa. Dear Bob: I hope this gets to you in time for you to send us your itinerary— oops, it just came in the mail. Thanks for your note. Esther and I really would love to have you at our home; it really would be no trouble, and we do have a part-time maid, and no cther home—bound obligations. So why not? But we cauld understand it if you preferred the privacy of a hotel-room that to that of a guest room, and you can mke up your mind to suit your own convenience. If you'd like, let me tell Mueller either to confirm or cancel your reserbation, or make up your mind after you deplane. We'll try to meet you at the airport. Iwas going to ask whether you could bring some more lengths of that wonderful capillary tubing: it really is far superior to anything else we'd gotten hold of. Can you also remind me again who makes that need@& puller, and for how much? I was almost going to ask you to bring some eggs along, but I donkt know if you have them in season now! We're looking forward with some delight to seeing you; till then, Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg