STANFORD UNIVERSITY Section I-A ADVANCED COMPUTER FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH SPECIAL RESEARCH RESCURCE PROJECT GRANT [ progress REPORT 4, 7/3467 Period (same as. current 12 month budget period) Grant Number From_9-1-66 __ through_7-431-67 (11 mos.) FR 00411-01 mo./day/yr. mo,/day/yr. Name of Principal Investigator | Title Academic Department Lederberg, Joshua Professor Genetics Name of prantee institution Address of Resource Stanford University School of Stanford University School of Medicine Medicine Palo Alto, ‘California Type _of Institution Professional School Tele. No, @rivate Univ.,State Univ., etc.) area code 415 421-2300 Private University Medicine ext. 5049 Name of Institution's Special Research Resource Advisory Committee (if any) “Computer Policy Committee Advanced Computer for Medical Research (ACME) Name, Title, Department and Institution of each nember (indicate chairman) 2 2. Name Title Dept. Institution See next page +o Signature of Principal Iavestipator Date Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Computer Policy Committee Advanced Computer for Medical Research (ACME ) School of Medicine Stanford University Joshua Lederberg (chairman) J. Weldon Bellville Genetics, Biology Anesthesia Edward A. Feigenbaum Computer Science Computation Center Robert J. Glaser School of Medicine Anthony J. Hance Pharmacology Frank Morrell Neurology Lincoln E. Moses Statistics Preventive Medicine Iubert Stryer Biochemistry C. Peter Rosenbaum Psychiatry Gio Wiederhold ACME Facility Section I-A continued FR 00311-01 Professor Professor Associate Director Dean Assistant Professor Professor Associate Assistant Associate Stanford Computation Center Professor Professor Professor Professor Director STANFORD UNIVERSITY Advanced Computer for Medical Research SECTION I-B Special Research Resource FR 00311-O01 General Description of Facility's Operation During this development phase of the ACME system various uses of the computer are handled as follows: a) Timesharing service takes place at fixed scheduled hours, Monday through Friday. In addition timesharing service is provided whenever reasonably sized timeslots are not otherwise used, especially on weekends. b) On-line data acquisition service takes place at scheduled times to meet the individual project's needs, c) System development and check-out requiring hands-on attention of members of the staff is generally unscheduled, and done on a first in, first on basis, modified as to the urgency of the work. General guidelines for this use are established weekly in the staff meeting. d) Off-line system development and batch processing are generally run at night (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.) and the results are normally available early in the morning, e) The twenty percent Central Computation Facility usage is also during the night period, The facility is under full control of the ACME project, and the supervisor of operations is a member of the ACME staff. To provide 24 -hour-7 -day operator coverage at the lowest cost the operator staff is pooled with that of the main Computation Center at Stanford and operator service is guaranteed for the ACME System. The entire ACME Facility operates as one of the Stanford Computation Center facilities and receives administrative assistance and technical information through the central offices. It is housed in the medical School, however, and operates on an independent budget and its professional staff is solely responsible to the medical school and the needs of medical researchers, as represented by the Medical Computer Committee. Much co-operation is being experienced from the initial complement of users and the organizational structure seems adequate to the demands made on it. STANFORD UNIVERSITY Advanced Computer for Medical Research SECTION II-A Special Research Resource FR 00311-01 Summary of Computer Resource Usage The principal application of the facility during this introductory period has been for system development. The hardware of the 360/50 was finally checked out by I.B, M. and the system turned over the ACME Facility on December 15, 1966, As of April 30, 1967, the ACME system had some limited capability. The greatest lack at that date was the file capability: (I.B. M. Support for this did not arrive until February 15, 1967). It is expected that the resource will have been developed enough to be generally useful and accountable to the medical school research community by June 1, 1967. The computer is being operated on a full oh. -hour-7 -day a week basis, Eighty percent of this time is available to ACME and twenty percent to the Central Campus Facility according to the terms of cost allocation for the hardware. Full staffing has resulted in very reliable operations under unfavorable conditions; and the ACME computer has shown an availability of 97.5% (after scheduled maintenance) during the period from 12/12/66 to 4/09/67. Most of the computer's time is being used for ACME hardware and software check-out, However, users problems are routinely run overnight and occasionally with faster turnaround. Timesharing service to users is currently offered three hours a day, an allocation expected to increase rapidly. Use of this time is not yet accounted for since system reliability and facilities are too limited, and should be regarded as devoted mainly to preliminary user indoctrination and system check-out. The batch operations are an interim expedient since the requirements for time- Sharing have taken precedence in both hardware and software Selection. As the ACME system becomes more powerful batch work need take only a small proportion of the computer time available. We are finding that our efficiency under time-sharing exceeds that of the presently available batch operating system! he TIi-A continued We are now able to communicate properly with non-IBM supported devices as PDP-8's, Linc-computers, displays, and data transmissions apparatus, The integration of these programs into the time-sharing system began May 1, 1967, and limited user availability is expected in June. In the meantime, check-out of hardware and some production data acquisition is taking place on a scheduled non-time-sharing basis using the software in its current status, Some of the pioneering users on the present breadboard system are: Dr. Wasserman, Respiration Laboratory Dr. Mesel, Pediatric Cardiology Dr. Von Der Groeben, Anesthesia All of this work, however, occupies still less than 5% of the computer's capability. A considerable amount of staff time has been spent in discussing the feasibility and approach to computer applications on a large number of projects with the staff and faculty of the medical school. ACME has gathered a good impression of the range of problems to which the system will have to respond, and it also has found a few that cannot be solved with current technology and facilities, A monthly seminar is conducted to inform the medical school of the progress of the project. Some of these seminars are also utilized to give the ACME staff an opportunity to hear expositions of relevant work in other institutions. During November through February a series of 15 four-and-one-half hour courses were con- ducted which were successfully completed by 167 members of the medical school faculty and staff. A number of faculty members wrote programs using the leased Babcock terminal, These are now used regularly and are due to be transferred to the ACME system as soon as the file capability is available, Section TI-4 SULIMARY OF COLPUTER RESOURCE USAGE Period covered froin_12-15-66 through \-30-67 mo./day/yr. mo./day/yr. Hours of Service Received Consulting Name of and/or Peripheral Computer investigator Prograuming Equipment Equipment Emmanuel Mesel 80 20 (IBM 1800) Bert Kopel 20 William H. Forrest, Jr. 75 (Babcock Terminal) BE Pong. aa 60 (Babcock Terminal) J. von der Groeben ho 8 Donald C, Harrison 80 Sidney Liebes, Jr. 20 (Babcock Terminal) Subtotals COMPUTER RESOURCE «Section II-B INDIVIDUAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION. Period Covered 12-15-66 to 4-30-67 Investigator: Emmanuel Mesel, M.D. Department: Pediatrics Institution: Stanford Medical School Field of Investigation: Cardiovascular hemodynamics Title of Research Project: Blood flow and ventricular performance in congenital heart disease Direct Grant or Contract Support of Project Identification Funding Current Nuuber Agency annual Amount 1. 66- 754 American Heart Association 12,650 2. Santa Clara County Heart 3. Association 3,100 4, 5. 6. 7. Amount _of Resource Services Received (reported in hours and in amount paid for services) Consulting/Prograuming Peripheral Equipnent Computer Equipment hours amount hours amount hours amount 80 20 (180d) Description of Research Project (Approximately 30C words) In contrast to previous idealized models that consider mixing to be instantaneous, W.A. Conrad* has presented a theory of indicator dilution curves which assumes that the mixing process has inertia and a finite mixture time. The new theory has at least two inherent advantages over its predecessors: (1) The ascending portion of the curve alone can be used for predicting the remainder of the curve, Though resembling the "forward triangle" method of Hetzel and coworkers, it does not have an empiric basis. In preliminary checks of the curve fitting capability of the inertial mixing theory obtained by matching theoretical solutions with dilution curves from human cardiovascular systems, an average area *Seventh Inter-American Congress of Cardiology, 14-19 June 196} -T- DESCRIPTION OF RESEARCH PROJECT (continued) Dr. Mesel - Pediatrics - Stanford error of 2% has been achieved. Further systematic investigation is planned to determine the applicability of the method in situations where the terminal portion of the curve is distorted by shunt flow and recirculation. (2) The derived parameters of the lumped-constant conceptual model, the inertial constant and mixture time, are in part related to forcefulness of ventricular contraction (when injection of the indicator is made into a ventricle), Thus, if certain variables (heart rate, mechanical aspects of the injection and sampling systems ) are controlled, the inertial constant and mixture time should be an indirect index of ventricular performance. Investigations are there- fore planned to explore the possibilities that these parameters can be used to characterize ventricular performance in infants and children with congenital heart disease, SOLUTER RESOURCE © Section II-B INDIVIDUAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION. Period Covered 12-15-66 to 4-30-67 Investigator: Bert S,-Kopell Department: “Poyvusavay ‘Institution: Stanford School of Medicine Field of Investigation: Hormones and Behavior Title of Research Project: | Hormones and Behavior Direct Grant or Contract Support of Project Identification Funding Current Number Agency Annual Amount 1.) 2 HSz-489 Mental Health 10976 $146,908 2. Steriod Grant Mental Health 10976 $ 3,050 3. . , 4, 5. 6. 7. Amount of Resource Services Received (reported in hours and in amount paid for services) Consulting/Programing Peripheral Equipment Computer Equipment hours amount hours amount hours amount 20 Descrintion of Research Project (Approximately 30C words) Study of effects of Cortisone and other hormones in the evoked potential in order to measure the effect on preception in stress situations. FM modulated signals will travel over four private phone lines from the V.A. Hospital. COUPUTER RESOURCE INDIVIDUAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION. Period Covered 12-15-66 to 4-40-67 -Section TI-B Investigator: William H. Forrest, Jr. Department: Anesthesia Institution: Stanford - VA-PAH Field of Investigation: Clinical Pharmacology Title of Research Project: Clinical evaluation of analgesics, sedatives . anti-emetics, methodologic problems, Direct Grant or Contract Support of Project Identification Funding Current Number Agency annual Amount 1. none V.A, PAH $65,000 2. D-66-2 NASNRC 7,500 3. D-66-5 NASNRC 7,500 4. 5. 6. (2-HEZ-413-94610) Pharmaceutical House 8,000 7. (2-HEZ-605-94610) Amount_of Resource Services Received (reported in hours and in amount paid for services) Consulting/Prograwming Peripheral Equipment Computer Equipment £2. hours amount _ hours amount hours amount 75 (Babcock) Description of Researcn Project (Approximately 36C words) Clinical evaluation ‘of analagesics, Sedatives, anti-emetics, using double techniques with trained nurses as observers and post-operative patients as subjects, This is a cooperative study collecting large volumes of data and the computer is used for data management problems and analyses and additionally evaluating into methological problems. -10- SCLPUTER RESOURCE Section iI-B INDIVIDUAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION Period Covered_12-15-66 to 4-30-67 Investigator: Drs. E. Dong, N.E. Shumway, -W. Angeli Departrent: Cardio-Vascular Surgery Institution: | Stanford Field of Investigation: Cardio-Vascular Surgery and Physiology © Title of Research Project: Direct Grant or Contract Support of Project Identification Funding Current Number Agency annual Amount 1, 66-676 American Heart $12,000 2. HE-11022-01 USPHS 42,000 3. HE-08696-04 USPHS ~50,000 4, 66~1619 American Heart 10,000 5. Research 5,000 6. 7. 0 USAF 0 Amount of Resource Services Received (reported in hours and in amount paid for services) Consultins/Programing Peripheral Equipment Computer Equipment hours arzount hours ' amount hours amount 60 (Babcock Descrintion of Research Project (Approximately 300 words) Des¢ription of Research Project: Determination of blood volume from Evans blue delution - Determination of RBF using Tc99 single injection - 2 compartment model Modeling the cV system, responses to hemorrhage and transfusion with and without CNS control systems intact, Analysis of Valsalva response in exercise and bed rest Hestiographic analysis of cardiac arryhythmiacs in normal and post-cardia Surgery patients is being initiated. . We Wl eB * e -li- COMPUTER RESOURCE Section II-B INDIVIDUAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION. Period Covered 12-15-66 to 4-30-67 Investigator: J. von der Groeben, M.D. Departrent: Department of Anesthesia — ‘Institution: Stanford University School of Medicine Field of Investigation: Cardiovascular Research. Title of Research Project: Direct Grant or Contract Support of Project “a Identification — | Funding Current Nunber 4 Agency annuel Amount 1. HE-10202 | NIE $66,599. 00 2. 3. 4, 3. 6. 7. Amount of Resource Services Received (reported in hours and in amount paid for services) Consulting/Progr amine Peripheral Equipment Computer Equipment hours agount — hours amount hours amount ho . Description of Research Project (Approximately 30C words) 1. Diagnostic classification of electrocardiogram. 2... On-line monitoring system for the operating room and Coronary Care Unit.- ~]O- Investigator; Department: ‘Institution: Title of Research Project: Hearts B) Use of a Computer for Physiologic Study during CCUPUTER RESOURCE Section il- INDIVIDUAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION. Period Covered 12-15-66 to 4-30-67 Donald C. Harrison, M.D. ~ Medicine - Cardkology Stanford Medical School Field of Investigation: Cardio-vascular B A)-Force - Velocity Relationships in Intact Cardiac Catheterization Direct Grant or Contract Support of Project ae Identification — | Funding | Current Number Agency Annual Amount - | | 1. HE 09058-03 National Heart Institute $23 565. | 2. , 3. 4, 3. 6. 7. : Amount of Resource Services Received : (reported in hours and in amount paid for services) Consulting/Proerawming Peripheral Equipment Computer Equipment hours amount hours amount hours amount 80 , A) The use’ of a computer program for calculation of force-velocity relation- ships in intact dog hearts in order to determine the nature of inotropic Descriotion of Research Project (Approximately 360 words) responses to physiologic and pharmalogic stimuli is anticipated. B) The calculation of all physiologic data from cardiac catheterization laboratory in an on-line situation is planned, -15- os goupureR pEsouRCR Section II-B = » ENDEVIDUAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION Pe DS | Period Covered 12-15-66 to 4-30-67 ae 4 Investisator:. Sidney. Liebes, Jr. - | Departeent: Genetics : t 4 Institution: — Stanford Medical. School - . OL pseqg of Investigation: High Spatial Resolution Mass Spectral Analysis en , oo _.of Solid Biological Materials Cr Rt -®itle of Research Project: . . ne Ne — : Direct Grant or Sontract Support of Project an my . . / a : . ; . . 7 . . . - 1. Identification on. Funding Current Too et Number : Agency Annual Amount . . a etre rae . . . . 2 Sennen rrr acmens ~ NsG 81-60 oe “NASA - $500, 000 NOUVEWH HE Amount of Resource Services Received Se . (reported'in hours and in amount paid for services) . Consultine/Prosraanineg Peripheral Equipment “Computer Equipment ee Se te oe ‘s a ae? hours _ amount — _hours " amount hours © amount .-20 (Babcock) Descrivtion of Research Project eee A I a a tn tn a ae et PE cen (Approximately 36¢ words) Attention is, or it is anticipated will be, devoted to: 1) sample preparation, 2) Sample introduction into the vacuum environment of the mass Spectrometer, 3). sample vaporization, 4) sample ionization, 5) mass spectral analysis, 6) ion detection, 7) data capture, 8) data storage, 9) data manipulation and interpretation, 10) collection of mass Spectral finger print files, 11) mass Spectral comparison, etc, “It is anticipated that computer interaction will be accomplished in most of the above areas, the nature of the interaction ranging from experimental to routine, Resource Equipment List Equipment Description 360/50 System (Note A) Processing Unit Printer Keyboard Core Storage Unit Control Unit Printer Magnetic Tape Unit Magnetic Tape & Control Unit Disk Storage Drives Data Cell Drive Data Adapter Unit Transmission Control Unit Storage Control Unit Card Reader Punch Communication Terminals (Note B) Magnetic Tape Unit - FPORRPRP PERE HE PEP HHP x 1800 System 1 Process Controller 1 Printer Keyboard 1 Enclosure 1 Analog Input Terminal 1 Analog Output Terminal 1 Data Adapter Unit 1 System 360 Adapter 1 Card Read Punch 1 Card Punch 4 Data Sets STANFORD UNIVERSITY . Advanced Computer for Medical Research - Special Research Resource FR 00411-01 Section II-C May 1967 Model Purchase Annual Number Mfer. Price Rental Source of Funds IBM 2050F $ 64,578 SRR (Note A) 1052-7 500 " 2361-1 5D 390 " 2821-1 8,586 " 1403-2 6,605 " 2401-1 2,650 " 2405-1 7,772 " 2311-1 9,062 " 2321-1 22,157 " 2701 7,780 " 2702-1 9,807 " 2841-1 5,883 " 2540 5 221 " 2741 16 ,800 " 2402-1 6,144 Stanford CompCntr IBM 1801 76,694 Other Fed Agency 1816 2,438 " 1828 © 333 " 1851 2,908 " 1856 6,540 " 1826 IBM 7,188 SRR 7720 TBM 1,500 SRR Vyhe IBM 2,544 SRR 029 IBM 744 SRR 103A2 Western 1,440 SRR Elec. Note A - The annual rental for the 460/50 system is cost less the 20% to be paid by Stanford Computation Center in exchange for 20% of the time. rentals above are also subject to 4% California use tax. All Note B - Sixteen of these terminals are installed in various laboratories of medical researchers outside the main resource area. ~15- STANFORD UNIVERSITY Advanced Computer for Medical Research SECTION II-D Special Research Resource FR 00411-01 Summary of Publications Invited presentations have resulted in the following publications: 1) ONR Workshop on Psycho-biology & Computers 5/17/66 (Naval Post-Graduate School, Monterey, California) Published in Proceedings 2) Argonne National Laboratories 11/1/66 Conference on Time-Sharing Model 50's To be published as part of Proceedings 3) A joint effort of IBM and four 1800 users, 11/29/66 including ACME has been published by the COMMON users group "Report of the 1800 Time Sharing Executive System Review Committee" -16- -)T- 99°96 = HO"S9 gl'ng = B'S 300 O9€ §€29$l 7ES HHS | SHE C6S$ | TOTS TSTS - love §Sr9$ 1ogt*799$ 1 LelLfencg$! C6E*Gecs! 6 ogg *Ee9g | eS | Syete6e | T6TSTST - lone - 1,040 - 2 705-A Memory Modules - - 4,120 - 2 708 Display Consules - - 5 304 - 1 713-B Equipment Rack & Power Supply - - 988 - 2 722 Alpha Numeric Keyboard - - 988 - 1 712 Parallel Interface Module - - 884. - Cable and Installation - - 1,350 - Digital Display Unit 8,796 $ 8,796 * Instrument Data Lines 22 Low Data Rates (b) 1,156 1,156 4 Medium Data Rates (b) 1,200 1,200 2 High Data Rates (b) 1,000 1,000 Installation Costs (b) 2,000 2,000 IBM 27OX & OY Transmission Device (SRR Partial Support) 72,800 50,600 - - Subtotal - Main Resource - Purchased $175,865 $ 64,752 $ 16,o74 - Supporting Equipment 1 029 IBM Keypunch 701 221 Tuy Tuy Magnetic tapes 5,041 4,500 ~ - HP-180A Oscilloscope 2,479 - - - 10 Data Cells for IBM 2321 Drive 3,640 3,640 - - Storage for Cards, Disk Packs, Paper & Tapes 2,570 2,070 - - Honeywell Humidity & Temp. Recorder ahi aul - ~ Misc. Engineering Equipment 980 . _ _ Subtotal - supporting equipment $ 15,652 $ 11,172 $ Thy | Th Subtotal - Equipment $ 335,280 $ 218,298 $269,258 $$ 252,98) (b) Portion of costs included in salaries and supplies. * Estimates only. -22- Tit. IV. VI. Vil. STANFORD UNIVERSITY Advanced Computer for Medical Research - Special Research Resource FR 00311-01 ACME Expenditure Details Direct Costs Only CONSUMABLE SUPPLIES i. Computer supplies 2. Engineering and maintenance ec. Office supplies Subtotal Consumable Supplies TRAVEL ALTERATIONS & RENOVATIONS EQUIPMENT TIME 1. Allen Babcock Computers 2. Stanford Computation Center Subtotal Equipment Time OTHER EXPENDITURES 1. Publication Expense e@. Telephone, postage 3. Guard Service (prior to full operator service) 4. Other Subtotal Other Expenditures GRAND TOTAL DIRECT COSTS Current Table III-c Estimate for Budget Period Next Budget Period Total SRR Total SRR $ 2,365 $ 2,365 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 * 53 630 29,770 25,706 20,000 * 2,610 1,581 4,000 4,000 * 38,605 33,716 49,706 4h O00 * 4,166 1,900 4,000 4,000 * 64,300 29,300 9 wane wee 79353 79252 0 meee ne 646 420 (c) (c) 7,999 7,652 0 ween anne 2,056 2,056 8,000 8,000 * 3,849 2,699 2,576 2,576 * 2,556 2,556 meee wee 1,717 1,127 1,000 1,000 * 10,178 8,438 11,576 11,576 * $ 610,142 $ 396,270 $ 542,053 $ 520,073 (c) See Major Resources - Rented Equipment - $20, 000 utilization of 560/67. %& Estimates only. -2%-