THE INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH and THE LANKENAU HOSPITAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE 7701 Burholme Avenue Fox Chase Philadelphia 11, Pa. April 16, 1956 Dear Joshua, As you know, I'll he making my visit to wadison next week, on the 26th and 27th, Dr. Mueller some time ago asked me to tell him what places and people I'd like to see so he could make arrangements. I'm writing him “now to say that I'd like to see something of the iicArdle, the Dept. of Genetics where you are, and the bevt. of Goology. I felt I should not be too specific or demanding, but I hope he'll leave plenty of time for me to visit with you and with Hans Ris. — Mueller had ¢¢ also offered to get me a room. I remember and appreciate the offer you and Esther make to have me stay over with you, but I think I'd better let him get me the 7 room. I'll be arriving on the 8:40 PM plane on the 25th and will leave on the 7:30 AM plane on the 26th, I féel that three nights would really be an imposition 6n Esther unless she has full time maid service. ‘Will see you both next week. Do you need more of our special capillary tubing? I'll bring, some along just in case,