OFFICE MEMORANDUM ¢ STANFORD UNIVERSITY ¢ OFFICE MEMORANDUM To : Dean Rich From : J Lederberg, as P rinc. Inv., ACME ro ocT 4 1971 Date: SUBJECT: Computer management in medical school I just wanted to add my own concern about the urgency of the issues raised by Elliott Levinthal in his recent memo. Rather a lot is at stake -- our ability to sustain a facility of some import haps should be the most c¢ The time-pressure is i to formulate and submit a development by January l, several times postponed d ACME support grants from in potential support is a Involved are issues of management that far excee pivotal issue, as Elliott ance in medical education per- ompelling to you. ndicated, in part, by our need credible plan for future 1972. This is an already eadline for renewal of our NIH. As much as $1 M per annum t stake. hospital and medical-care d my insight and authority. A pointed out, is the appoint~ ment of a professor of "medical information systems" to assume that kind of responsibility, on the academic side, and to complemert t the Medical Center. Co: EOL he managerial evolutions of Cordially wn = > 2 n °o wz o < z < mn x “ om < e o n = oa m = m = ° 7 > z 9 c = e wn = > z v1 o x 9 e Zz < ™ wm 2 =~ < e oO wv x a mt = m = ° ” > Zz o |e =