FRICE MEMORANDUM © STANFORD UNIVERSITY @ OFFICE MEMORANDUM © STANFORD UNIVERSITY ¢ OFFICE MEMORANDUM FEBL6 1978 Date: February le, 1971 To From : Ron Jamtgaard Ue Susiect: Policy Question of ACME Rates Dr. Linus Pauling's research group in the Department of Chemistry has recently become a user of ACME service. In the near term his group expects to be collecting gas chromatograph data in real time on ACME. Their project is sponsored by the National Institutes of Mental Health. The question is whether the special subsidized ACME rates should be fe applied to medical research performed by groups outside of the Medical School. I recommend that Dr. Pavling's group be granted a rate of 1¢ per pageminute. This is the rate which would normally be applied to medical research performed within the Medical School. It is double fe sf the rate charged to real time medical research performed by groups within the Medical School. In this case it is clear that Dr. Pauling's research is medical in nature. He is collecting urine samples from mental hospitals and locking for attributes which may be unique to schizophrenic patients. I would appreciate your comments on the proposed rate of 1¢ per page- minute for Dr. Pauling's group. RJ/ma Ee | thet Phas. send Be © Waer 1S nr, Un erat, ae AND A) a praca ete fot AevD e Ne akin ot Oe to OT or pt _Yiptels ol vetorf_.t. ( goto ( Uf soppncar Oe ae geen isd och. tact fur . (3 4), PA Aros gory ated tool af erg Sepzonl Statnes’. ALISYZAINN GYOINVLS e@ WNGNVYOWIW 3D1ddO © ALISYUZAINN GXYO4NVIS © WNONVHYOW3IW 391ddO © ALISYZAINN GYOANVIS WNGNVYYOW3W 3D1dd0