OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM APR 23 1969 Date: April 29, 1969 To : Vic Barber, Courtney Jones, Joshua Lederberg, Elliott Levinthal, Emmanuel Mesel, William Miller, Jobst von der Groeben, Gio Wiederhold From L. J. Schneiderman, M.D. Suasect: Future Development of Computer Applications at Stanford Medical School I hope you will have a chance to go over these suggestions within the next week or so. I shall await your response as to 1) whether we should submit these proposals as preliminary recommendations to the Dean, or 2) whether we should call a meeting among the involved members to discuss them further. If you have any strong feelings about additions to the Advisory Committee to the Dean, please forward the names for a group discussion. enc. WNONVYOWIW 3dIddO @ ALISUZAINN GYOANVIS ©® WNGONVYOWAW 331440 ¢ ALISHTJAINN QYOANVIS