OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY @e OFFICE MEMORANDUM © STANFORD UNIVERSITY @ OFFICE MEMORANDUM To FROM SUBJECT: [xCotE Date: January 21, 1969 Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D. Robert J. Glaser, M.D. Dear Josh: | appreciated your memorandum of January 14, and the copy of the one that you received from Larry Schneiderman. Although as you point out, there is apparently no immediate need for my getting involved the subject is one in which | have more than a passing interest, and | would like to talk with you about it. Perhaps at your convenience, we could get together. > In passing, | was a bit puzzled by the second sentence in the third paragraph in your letter. Perhaps | simply don't understand, but | wondered whether the third word from the end should have been ''disadvantageous'' rather than ''advantageous''. If it shouldn't have been, then | am confused. Sincerely yours, Ayy- Robert J. Glaser, M.D. RUG: jm © ALISYZAINN GYOANVIS © WNONVYOWIW 3d1IddO © ALISHZAINN GHYOFNVLS © WNANVYOWSW J391ddO © ALISHSAINN GYOINVILS e WNONVYOWAW JDidd0