Lt ae A be GAL Hence on present and future potential scaie ol utilization ci analo: -toedi; ital & comanit. = tacilities in the medical schuol. Gver @ Lerio!l of a iew weeks, Prolessor Linculn BH. Moses oi the Statistics 4 Departucnt interviewec several research worhers at the medical school. ‘fy .ically, these discussions lasted lor about an hour. He vound many investipators exoress= ae in: a direct interest in the imrmediste or near future availability of analc, -to- ‘ ad:ital equigaent for marin. availaole the services ci the Cum utaticn Center. These discussions will ve summarized oy suoject area. Keart David. Rytand, Proiessor of Medicine, has lon veen interested in atrial Jioriliation. This disease is characterized by an irre;ular E.C.G. and oy a lac. o. coordination vetween the upper and lower heart. By wieans cl takin; readin s on highes eed recordin, a,paratus durin, cpen heart sur,ery, Dr. Rytand has ovstained recoris which shculd oe valuable in testing medeis for the mechania: «1 strial auwpiilaticn. A central preplem in all this is the question cf this analcs record. He would make immediate and probauvly extensive use cz such lacliities as soon as they vecame availaszle. J. von der Groven an’ Dr. J. G. Toole have ior same years seen encaced in aneiysing £.C.G. records by means of choosin: orthogonal axes and rebtting a readily interpreted vector representative of the heart beat. In this wor, sane ci Which is in clinical use (dia nosis of certain lesions) they have nocessarily Jone @ ¢reat auount of analo, -toedicgital data reduction, mich of it wy hani. They anticipate that their research work in this area will continue, eroracing more end more carticular dlagnustic provlens. The exolorater, alysis, testing or trial hypctheses and so fourth would ve greatly lacilitated vy the food equiyaent of the type contemplated. They would make inmedzate an extensive use cl such equinnent. /Contd..... h Molecular Biclo:y In the Bloyhysics Laboratory, Professor Howard Pattee is enga-sed upon developing an Xeray adifvraction technique and hardware for studyin: the structure Go. tacranclecules. It is more than provable that in the acar Luturc, he will have orought this work tc such a point that two iinds oF proolamn relevant to the project proposal will came out of His lab. ‘The first of these is a need vor digital-tc-analo; equipment tor inverring contour mars of a sort Prem an analytival moiel, The second is a need for analo-toedigital equinent for processing the analo., data which arise cut of scanning: the X*ray micrographs presaratory te nunerical analysis. Genetics Proiesscr Lederberg has lnportant research hypotheses, the testin, oi which depends upon verifying the occurrence or nonecceurrence of events havin,. “) provavilitics such as 190 ~. The data consist cf cultures or microscope slides ¢ other such systems which must ve read vy human ooservers. On so iarie a + this is cut ci practical reach. Automaticn of such roading process vy eleetroni. devices on tc tiagnetic tape, for exampic, leads to laze scale utilisation of exactly the sort cf facilities under consideration. In the 1 run, of course, as such autazacion problems are solvec, they woul’. ve handled oy s cclaily develoved, less versatile, more eliicient and less expensive special cur oss equirmens, out the develommental stages require large capacity, general yur lose equipmcnt. 5 os Proiesscr Lederserg's associate, Dr. levinthal, is the center of an electronic en ineeriny group in the medical school and it is his view that the presence ci this grouy will increase the number and variety ani use of analu - data-croducin, equimment and research programe in the medical schocl., This aw og /Contdesses precisvoses him tc recard as desirable y Ob least in the foresecavle Diture y vole 2tovision of large capacity, high quality A-D oquimment. He also icelis that as the Lecorver, ~Levinthal oxooiclo.y uror rem de of nocessariiy .cncrate data callin: for the use of such equipment. Keurolo-ical Rescarch De. Karl Pribram is doing rescarch on learning, and gonerates soth digital and analo: data. His emphasis at the oresent time is on exper huents Lleadin; to dijita. date and this is partiy vecause oi the lack of analogetoell; ital equip- ment. Ve stated that is the Cauputer Center now hati the equiznent unjer considera. ticn, he wou. imiediately avply tor the recordin; equizment necded at the lascratory am within three months woul. se using it heavily with =.5.G. and ether sinllar hinds oi data. De. fran. horreii's research vrojrari is iarcely -ased on the S.E.G. and he Was very cutspor/en in his vellel that this cquizment is desiravle to his research jécGives an) that he would mace use ol it. He weleame the choice of equbome ns items Which uay eventually allow the use of real time. De. Keith Killen, a peychc-pharmacclogist, is associated with Se. Priore. anu De. Morrell in an application to the N.I.E. for a small scale analc--tc- dijital gacility, camplete with dipital cousuter and digital-to-analsc. conversion unit, etc. he feels that such a smali scale installation has advantages of Bimeiicity, (uaking entry of non-nathuuatical viciojists inte this sind o wor: easicr), tlexioility, (bein: easier tc use in exploratory worl. at the Laporatory ) a convenience (2¢in, under the control of the research erou, using it). At the Sale tine, he made it civar that he considers the application in question te ve Cum, Lenicntary to, rather than caipetitive with, the equlasent ior which his aPouL 7 dic anticipates contidently that he will make considerapic use of che large capacity facilities which are the suoject of this request, ag the usc of the small scale equiyment he has alrcady undertalen toe cbtain leas to clear’ oy tormmilate? hy, ctheses and schenies of analysis.