OFFICE MEMORANDUM © STANFORD UNIVERSITY @ OFFICE MEMORANDUM @ STANFORD UNIVERSITY @© OFFICE MEMORANDUM To FROM SUBJECT: Leo E. Hollister (Veterans Adm. Hosp.) Irene S. Forrest " " " Hiram Sera, Pharmacy Dept. S.M. Kalman, Pharmacology DaTE: December 11, 1973 Jack Barchas, Psychiatry Eugene Robin,Resp.Med. William Fair, Surgery James Trudell, Anesthesia I. Rabinowitz & D.I. Wilkinson, Dermatology Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics NIH GC/HRMS Proposal Thank you for taking the time to write regarding your interest in a GC/HRMS facility to serve the Stanford University community. The number of positive responses Carl Djerassi and I received from our memorandum show that such a facility would serve many laboratories actively participating in research in the medical sciences. Your positive response will help us in our planning for the proposed mass spectrometry service. P.S. We will keep you informed. WNGNVYOWAIW F3d1ddO © ALISUTAINN AYOINVIS © WNGNVYOWIW 391dd0 © ALISYZJAINN GYOINVIS @ WNGNVYOW3AW J4d1ddO © ALISYJAINN GYOINWLS e@