OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY «© OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY @¢ OFFICE MEMORANDUM To FROM SUBJECT: DEC 3 «1973 Date: 3 December 1973 Joshua Lederberg Jack Barchas GC/HRMS Our thanks to you and Alan Duffield for inquiring of our interest in the proposed GC/HRMS. We would find it quite useful, as we are currently applying for funding for a quadrupole mass spectro- meter for mass fragmentography studies. With such a unit, there would be many times when the capability of the HRMS instrumentation would be valuable in structural elucidation. We would expect very heavy utilization of our instrument if we were to obtain the funding, and, therefore, would expect to make considerable use of the proposed GC/HRMS, which is an essential ancillary tool. The GC aspects of the instrument would be valuable, since we would expect to be studying a number of unknowns and the GC separation would be an integral part of that process. Our work is supported by NIMH, ONR, NASA, and the Alcohol Abuse division of HEW. UL ah JDB/rs WNGONVYOWIW JDIddO © ALISUZBAINN GYOINVILS e@ ALISYJAINN GYOINVLS © WNONVYOWSW F31IO © ALISHAAINN GYO4ANVLS WNAGNVYOWAW 3DIdIO e