OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY e@ OFFICE MEMORANDUM ¢@ STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM To FROM SUBJECT: Date: November 26, 1973 Joshua Lederberg, Department of Chemistry Carl Djerassi, Department of Chemistry Sumner M, Kalman Mass Spectrometry, Your Memo of November 20, 1973. A central facility for mass spectrometry and GC/MS would be highly desirable from my point of view. We often need to identify metabolites of drugs that interfere with our assays, and that represent research problems as well. Frequently we need to check the purity of a reference material which is in short supply. I have received much help from both your laboratories in the past and would welcome the opportunity to use an expanded facility. For many of our problems low resolution MS is satisfactory and I hope you mean to provide this service too. With respect to your questions I anticipate that (1) Yes. (2) We would probably use GC/MS once a month or more. We would use MS at about the same rate. (3) Yes. Sincerely yours, Seth. Kellen, A. Sumner M. Kalman, M.D. Professor of Pharmacology Director, Drug Assay Lab WNGNVAOWEW FD1ddO © ALISYJZAINN GYOINVIS © WNAONVYOWIW FDddO e ALISHJAINN GYIOANVLS © WNGNVWYOWSW ADO © ALISYZAINN GYOINVILS ©