duly 2553 1955 Dr. Hobart Briggs Lankenaug Cancer esearch Institute Philadelphia ll, Pa. Dear Bob: ether and I have been putting the final tceches for the ms. for the symposium paper, whence some questions came to aind about your studies with toludfine blue. I was particularly intrigued by your account of fertiliszations with par- tially inactivated sperm. Do you ascribe the abnormal embryos to aneuploidy? If so, do you think each chromosome is a unit of response to the dye? Then some kind of "multiplicity reactivation" experiment might be possible. Anyhow, you had a footnda which implied that a more detailed cytclogical study might be forthcoming— have you anything that bears on the history of the partially inactivated sperms? «@ were inmediately re~interested in this because there is a recent claim of partial fertilization in E. coli-~ these French workers disrupted mating cultures prematurely and claim to have induced (orf revealed) the transmission of partial ganetes. The evidence there is not very convincing, and they are somewhat confused as to whether they are inducing the effect (as seems mre likely) or uncovering a normal process, But I was curious about possible ana- logies. Muller and Pontecorvo had something similar with UV'd sperm, but never published more extensively than a note in Science (92:418, '40). I ama little surprised that no one (as far as I know) has followed your dye effects in Dro- sophila, wheres a more complete genetic analysis would be possible, but I am sending a copy of this letter to Herskowitz to see what he thinks about it. Yours sincerely, Jos wi Lederborg