November 20, 1973 Dear Colleague: We are presently preparing a proposal for submission to the NiH which requests funds for a significant upgrading of facilities of the mass spectrometry laboratory in the Chemistry Department. Specifically, we are requesting to provide routine high resolution mass spectrometry and combined gas chromatography/high resolution mass spectrometry (GC/HRMS) service to department members and others who can be identified as dealing with 7 biomedically relevant problems. There would be no charge for such a service. In addition, the proposal contains elements of computer programs to assist in spectral interpretation in some areas, which would also be available to users of the facility. We would expect to handle routinely sample sizes on the order of 0.1 to 1.0 micrograms per component, or, of course, larger if available. Mass spectra would be recorded at a resolving power sufficient for unambiguous assignment of elemental compositions of most organic molecules in the mass range up to 500. Beyond that range, unambi guous assignment of empirical composition may not be possible, but it would nevertheless provide much more information than could be derived from standard low-resolution mass spectra. Would you be so kind as to indicate briefly the following information: 1. Would this service be of value to you? 2. If so, could you estimate your potential use of the facility and give some indication as to the amount of GC/HRMS required relative to simple HRMS? 3. Is any portion of your research presently supported by the NIH? We must have this information on or before December 3 since otherwise it will be of no use to us in our grant proposal. / pbs q | ft Joshua Lederberg ~* Carl Djerassi Department of Genetics Department off Chemistry JL:CD:ab