JUL 18 i23 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH BETHESDA, MARYLAND 20014 July 13, 1973 RR-00785-01A1 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: The National Advisory Research Resources Council (NARRC) con- curred with the initial review group recommendation that your application, RR-00785, be approved with reduced budget. The following quotes represent their impressions of the weak points of your application. "The utility of DENDRAL does not appear to lie in its contribution to MS within the foreseeable future ... . Other instru- mentation using GC/MS and library look-up or camputer matching of spectra... is efficient, reliable, far less expensive, and less involved than the proposed method .... "Of the total range, three sub-projects of DENDRAL are neither good chemistry nor good computer science. Real-time computer control of MS may be feasible given that the computer programs have been established, but this portion of the proposal does not contribute to the basic investigation. Similarly, c/3-ywr has such low sensitivity that it requires 5-6 orders of magnitude more per sample than MS--and it contributes little to AI. Finally, the second part of B, the analysis of urinary metabolites, which is primarily of clinical interest, would be more simply done by library look-up of spectra of known, nommal, and abnormal constituents of body fluids. Such a campendium has been compiled by Dr. Markey of the University of Colorado." Dr. Joshua Lederberg - Page 2 From a minority opinion favoring disapproval came the following notions: I have repeatedly requested enlightenment on why very large and expensive facilities are requested and how it may ultimately contribute to an understanding which would result in better medical care .... My feelings are that funding such large projects, of low payoff probability, could only result in positive harm to the total biomedical community .... The reviewers reinforced the shared resource concept by stating: "In many ways the most significant aspect of the proposal is that an AT network resource would provide an excellent demonstration of resource sharing which would give that concept a maximum chance of success." The budgets and rationale recommended are as follows: BUDGET: SUMEX and DENDRAL: Figure 1 SUMEX SUMEX -01 -02 -03 -04 ~05 Personnel $220 ,000 231,000+ 242,500" 255 ,000+ 267 , 500+ Equipment 175 ,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175 ,000 Supplies 20,000 22,000 24,000 26,000 26,000 Cammmnications 28,000 29 ,000 30,000 31,000 32 ,000 Other Expenses Maintenance 60,000 60 ,000 60 ,000 60 ,000 60,000 Freight 12,000 0 0 0 0 Miscellaneous 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Travel 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 $533 ,000 525 ,000 539 ,500 555 ,000 568,500 DENDRAL *39 ,000 134,000 128,300 134,700 141,500 TOTAL $572,000 659 ,000 667,800 689 , 700 710,000 *This is only four months for DENDRAL; the other eight months are the end of the previous grant period. Dr. Joshua Lederberg - Page 3 SUMEX Rationale: l. Personnel: Funds cover the following positions (see p. 88 of SUMEX proposal for original request): SUMEX facility head Network coordinator Systems programmers Engineer Operators Application programmers Technicians _ Secretary Equipment: The equipment is such as to provide DENDRAL with the capability for Parts A (minus the cl3-NMR project) and C. Part B, the real-time control of MS and the use of DENDRAL to analyze urinary metabolites, was felt not to contribute to the major objectives of the AI program. The Bare system plus TIP was increased to $175,000 to allow for inexpensive terminals and the like. (Rind£leish) (Jamtgaard) FPRENWEWH Ee Supplies: "Camunication" is essentially as requested. Other supplies are cut by $20,000/year-- deleting part of the engineering and the lab supplies. This is in line with not supporting the on-line DENDRAL work or GC/MS clinical projects. Travel: Travel is reduced somewhat. Other es: "Maintenance" is recommended as requested ond may possibly be somewhat higher than is really needed. It is assumed that BRB will monitor these expenses as well as the hard- ware purchases to ensure economy. Funds for purchasing computer time "terminal and computer services" have been deleted. "Other" has been slightly reduced. "Freight" is as requested. Dr. Joshua Lederberg - Page 4 DENDRAL (Parts A & C only. Personnel projected from first year.) -01 -02 -03 -04 -05 Personnel $36,800 116,000 122 ,000 128,000 134,500 Equipment 0 12,000 0 0 0 Supplies 700 2,000 2,100 2,200 2,200 Travel 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Other 1,500 3,000 3,200 3,500 3,800 Terminals Telephone +$39 ,000 134,000 128,300 134,700 141,500 +This is for a four-month period. DENDRAL Rationale: Completion of Parts A and C should enable you to exploit fully the DENDRAL work. Figure 2 shows the recommended total budget. The personnel figure is derived from the first year request--multiplied by 3 and with 5% increment in each year. The equipment budget is for a graphics terminal. Two are requested, one is recommended. The other reductions are trivial except for travel. Total travel funds as given in the combined budgets seem adequate for a project of this size. The issues still at large with this application require personal interaction to resolve them. The date of August 2, proposed by Tam Rindfleish, is satisfactory with Dr. Raub and me for a meeting at Stanford. Hopefully, we can negotiate SUMEX to our mutual satisfaction and a fundable conclusion and lay out a pathway for DENDRAL that results in a MS resource diffusing its gains to its own disciplinary comunity as well as clinical research. Sincerely yours, > William Roy Bakér, Jr., Ph.D. Assistant Chief Biotechnology Resources Branch Division of Research Resources