Managing Editor: Peter L. Hammer, Centre de recherches mathématiques Université de Montréal C.P. 6128 Montréal 101, P.Q. Canada (514)343-7579 Advisory Editors: Cc. M. v. J. Berge Harrison Klee H. van Lint G.- C. Rota Board of Editors: P. G. M. D. B. A. F. D. D. J. J. Ss. D. B. S. G. M. Vv. B. W. S. A. K. Camion B. Dantzig E. Fisher Gale Grinbaum Hajnal Harary J. Kleitman E. Knuth Kuntzmann Lederberg Marcus K. Ray-Chaudhuri Roy Rudeanu Sabidussi P. Schitzenberger Sé6s-Turan A. Trakhtenbrot Tutte Ulam Whinston Yamamoto SEP 22 1972 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Publisher: North-Holland Publishing Company P.O. Box 3489 Amsterdam The Netherlands August 29, 1972 Dear Professor Lederberg: I am sending you enclosed a paper by H. Brown, L. Masinter and L. Hjelmeland "Constructive graph labeling using double cosets", May I ask you to have the kindness of refereeing it or having it refereed for DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, Needless to say how much indebted I will be to you if you could take up this matter and inform us at your earliest convenience about your opinion. Sincerely yours, / (. Peter L. Hammer P.S.: Please kindly return the enclosed form as soon as possible.