JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY BOARD OF EDITORS KennetHo B. Wrserc DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 225 Prospect STREET Yate University New Haven, Connecricutr 06520 September 23, 1969 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Sir: Whitlock author: Chemsyn: A Chemical Automaton title: This manuscript has been submitted for publication in the JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. We would value your comments on its suitability for publication. Novel findings, either experimental or theoretical, in all phases of fundamen- tal chemistry are published by the Journal. Articles which have general interest, either because they appeal to readers in more than one specialty or because they contain ideas or findings in a particular specialty which are of a broad application, will be given special consideration. Articles which record routine measurements or syntheses are normally referred to specialized journals. Communications to the Editor are reserved for the rapid publication of findings of unusual timeliness and must meet special requirements of signif- icance and urgency. Blanks are provided for your comments. Please sign the original copy. The pink copy, which will be sent to the author, is to be signed only if you wish to reveal your identity as a referee. If you write directly to the author about this manuscript, please send us copies of all pertinent correspondence. Please return the white and pink forms to us. The blue copy can be kept for your files. Thank you very much for your help. Sincerely, bree /5. Ya KBW:mb Enc,