[printed material on right side of page, see original] Mr R. Shaffer W.S.J. [stamped, NOV -- 2 1982] How smart is DENDRAL As one of the authors of DENDRAL I was naturally pleased about the attribution -- Thank you! However, the remark that "Dendral is better than any analytical chemist . . . ." Goes a mite further than any claim I can remember making for it; and I expect you are in a chain of indirect references that has sliced off the footnotes and qualifiers! I am still proud of what Dendral can do. Yours, Joshua Lederberg [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] [printed material on left side of page, see original] In this, yes, Dendral excels. Many chemists have far better tests and intuition, and less preci[ . . . ] [word cut off] in selecting the one right answer J.L.