Appendix Be Letters from Collaborators LILLY RESEARCH LABORATORIES OIVISION OF ELI LILLY ANO COMPANY « INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46206 + TELEPHONE (317) 636-221 May 6, 1976 Dr. Ray Carhart Department of Computer Sciences Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Dear Ray: We are pleased to have an opportunity to offer our support and encouragement of your CONCEN effort, We are using CONGEN to aid us in the SOlution of current structure clucidation problems. When used at an early stage, we find that the program is invaluable in Suggesting the various compound types which are consistent with the extant data. In one case, for example, CONGEN generated a list of possible heteroaromatic ring systems. Such a list is par- ticularly useful in the elucidation of the structures of pharmaceutical molecules, in that it allows us to correlate these possibilities with the physical and biological properties of a vast number of known Pharmaceuticals. In short, we have been quite pleased with our experience with CONGEN. Owing to Possible security problems, we have not used the program as much as we would like. If the program were available in exportable form, I believe that usage would increase dramatically. Probably the full potential of the program will not be realized until this occurs. Even in its present form, however, CONGEN is a valuable contribution to chemistry. Sincerely, LILLY RESEARCH LABORATORIES Douglas E. Dorman, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry Research Department MC525 LA