eee CIBA—GEIGY Ardsley, New York 10502 Telephone 914 478 3131 April 19, 1976 Professor Carl Djerassi Department of Chemistry Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Deac Professor Djerassi: Thank you for permitting us to use the CONCEN program for the past year. We have used this program only for the most demanding structure problems and therefore have not been a heavy user of the system. However, when utilized, we have found the CONGEN program to be a valuable and effective aid for structure elucidation problems. We have used CONGEN to provide assurance that once a structure has deen pro- posed on the basis of chemical and spectroscopic analysis that other, plau- sible structures have not been overlooked, thereby providing a greater con- fidence limit to our structural proposals. We have also utilized the program to determine possible structures when the analytical data does not provide a unique structure, and in this manner acquire additional chemical structures for consideration. Both approaches represent assets to structure determination work. Clearly, the scope of CONGEN would be extended by making it available to other industrial chemists involved with determining structures of organic compounds. As you know, the industrial setting demands accurate results by the most rapid and economical means available. Exposing CONGEN to a wider range of industrial chemists would provide your staff with more experience with diverse structure problems and hence extend the versatility and utility of the programs. However, in order to attain more participation, the computer LQ oA Professor Djerassi -2- April 19, 1976 system would have to be made more readily accessible, especially during peak We have been fortunate in this regard since the time zone difference between Stanford and Ardsley enables us to use CONGEN early in the morning hours. when few others are using the SUMEX programs. However, when we attempt to use the program later in the day, the system becomes fairly slow, to the point where at times we find it more economical to simply log off and resume the following morning. We consider CONGEN as another complementary structure elucidation method at CIBA-GEIGY and look forward to its continued use in the future. Sincerely yours, leper Karliner Ph.D, Gy4up Leader Analytical Research Department 48 B