STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY March 25, 1974 Dr. Michael Oxman, Program Director Biomolecular Characterization Resources Biotechnology Resources Branch National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Re: RR-00612 Dear Mike: This is in response to your telephone call on March 18 and Dr. Raub's letter of the same date conveying the good news in regard to our DENDRAL grant renewal. Since that time, we have been examining our budget estimate along the guidelines you discussed with us, attempting to modify the manpower cost allocation so as to be able to implement a better long term data system solution - and to increase the effectiveness of the MS-9 instrument. In line with our discussions of March 18, we have tried to accommodate the increased hardware costs by reductions in personnel. The attached budget reflects the limit to which we feel this can be done without prejudicing the goals of the project. This formulation of the instrumentation and computer support will maximize our ability to use standard systems and facilitate software interchange between DENDRAL and other research efforts. To this end we have constructed a plan, detailed in the attached modified first year budget estimate, which provides for the purchase and maintenance of a minimal PDP-11/45 computer data system and an upgrading of our MS-9 spectrometer which we feel would be advantageous to the project by allowing a greater concentration of the MAT-711 capabilities on GC/HRMS. In order to offset these increased hardware costs in the first year, we have modified our manpower cost allocations in a number of small increments throughout the staffing plan. These changes include several painful cuts and take advantage of support from other sources which we were not able to anticipate at the time our proposal was submitted last December. In fact, even at this time some of the allocation changes are proposed based on anticipated rather than in-hand funding. The risks involved are relatively small and we feel are warranted in light of this opportunity for enhancing the overall project capabilities. | trust the attached budget estimate is self explanatory. If questions arise, please do not hesitate to call. As | mentioned on the telephone, | am going on a five- week trip for the National Academy of Sciences starting Monday, March 25. In Dr. Michael Oxman -2- March 25, 1974 my absence please refer all correspondence and questions relating to these matters to Professor Lederberg in the Department of Genetics. 1 am anxiously looking forward to completing these negotiations for a May 1 award so we can once again concentrate on the substantive technical issues of applying GC/MS to medical problems. | recognize that this past year of grant application and reapplication has been painful for you at BRB as well as for us. 1 am grateful for your patience and cooperation in charting a course through the many obstacles and am very pleased at the successful outcome. / Sincefely yours, Carl Djerassi Professot)of Chemistry, Principat Investigator CD:ab Enclosure Robert D. Simmons Contracts and Grants Manager Sponsored Projects Office Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION SECTION II SUBSTITUTE THIS PAGE FOR DETAILED BUDGET PAGE */HRS. Principal Investigator or Program Director See attached personnel detail PERIOD COVERED GRANT NUMBER SUBSTITUTE FROM THROUGH RR 00612 DETAILED BUDGET FOR FIRST 12-MONTH PERIOD May 1, 1974 April 30, 1975 ~ t. PERSONNEL (List all personnel engaged on project) eee AMOUNT REQUESTED (Omit cents) NAME (Last, first, initial TITLE OF POSITION : En eeereenemnmmers atl TOTAL $ 156,307 2. CONSUL TANT COSTS (Include Fees and Travel) $ 3. EQUIPMENT (Itemize) (A) Equipment Maintenance: (B) DEC GT-40 Display Terminal $13,400 PDP-11 (DEC Contract) $7,940 A) $80 ,250 PDP 11/45 Mini Computer 59 5750 ‘Mat-711 (Parts, etc.) 6,500 B) 14,440 MS~9 Spectrometer Upgrade 7,100 $ 4. SUPPLIES Electronics Supplies $4,400 Liquid Nitrogen $1 ,000 GC Supplies (Columns, gasses, etc. 1,000 Data Recording Media 1,000 Chemicals, glassware, stock, etc. 1,500 Minicomputer Supplies 700 |§ 9,600 STAFF 6, DOMESTIC $ 1,200 TRAVEL (See Instructions) b. FOREIGN $ 6. PATIENT COSTS (Separate Inpatient and Outpatient) $ 7. ALTERATIONS AND RENOVATIONS $ 8 OTHER EXPENSES (Itemize per instructions) Publications, telephone, office supplies, postage $4,000 Computer Terminal Lease (4) 5,400 Computer Usage - 370/158 (First Year Item Only) 5 ,000 s 14,400 9%. Subtotal — Items 1 thry 8 ne 1s 276,197 10. TRAINEE EXPENSES (See Instructions) PREDOCTORAL No. Proposed $ FOR a. STIPENDS | POSTDOCTORAL No. Proposed $ OTHER (Specify) No. Proposed SS TRAINING DEPENDENCY ALLOWANCE $s. GRANTS TOTAL $TIPEND EXPENSES —————__» |{§ b. TUITION AND FEES $ ONLY ¢. TRAINEE TRAVEL (Describe) $ mW Subtotal - Trainee Expenses nero | S 12. TOTAL DIRECT COST (Add Subtotals, Items 9 and 11, and enter on Page 1) nnn 1$ 975 ,197 Substitute Budget Page 5-72 GPO 930-79) For Forms PHS 398 and PHS 2499-1 RETURN ORIGINAL AND ONE Copy Supplementary Information for Personnel Costs Requested It is the policy of the DHEW to omit specific salary rates or amounts for individuals from those copies of grant applications which are made available to reviewing consultants. Therefore, a substitute budget page is enclosed and must be used in lieu of the present budget page in all competing applications. Note that individual salaries will not be shown on the substitute budget page; however, if a grant is to be awarded as a result of this application, the awarding unit will need information concerning specific salaries. Please use the space below to list all personnel shown on the substitute budget page, and include the salary and fringe benefits requested for each, following the appropriate guidelines in the Information and Instructions. THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED ONLY BY PHS ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF. DESCRIPTION (itemize) tei AMOUNT REQUESTED (Omit cents} PERSONNEL TIME OR EFFORT FRINGE NAME TITLE OF POSITION “oe BENEFITS TOTAL C. Dierassi PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR 107 $ _o- J. Lederberg Principal Investigator 102 =0= E. Feigenbaum Principal Investigator 10% _ | 2,910 3,424 A. Duffield Research Associate 15% 3,532 4,157 D. Smith Research Associate 100% {16,200 19,062 N. Sridharan Research Associate 100% 110,690 12,590 H. Brown Research Associate 100% {16,200 19,062 G. Dromey Research Associate 100% | 7,750 9,119 W. White rogrammer 100% (14, 400 16,945 R. Tucker rogrammer 100% (14,100 16,591 A. Wegmann penior Research Assistant [100% 115,000 17,650 N. Veizades Electronics Engineer 90% {10,200 12,002 E. Steed Glass Blower/Machinist 15% | 3,046 3,585 L. Masinter Research Assistant 100% | 5,070 2,970 M. Stefik Research Assistant 754 | 3,781 3,781 J. Friediand Research Assistant 30% 2,206 2,206 K, Wharton pecretary 100% | 9.400 11,062 - Same as al for personnel on “ Substitute Detailen Budget Page