VE. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH BETHESDA, MARYLAND 20014 March 18, 1974 RR~612-05A1 Dr. Carl Djerassi Professor of Chemistry Department of Chemistry Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Dear Dr. Djerassi: The National Advisory Research Resources Council recommended approval of your grant entitled "Resource Related Research = Computers and Chemistry.'' The Council, however, recommended only three years of support at the following annual levels: 05 $276,197 06 240,961 07 258,514 This informal notification of the status of your application is for planning purposes only. Therefore, since there is no assurance that a grant will be awarded, no announcements or commitments should be made, If you have any questions regarding the Council's recommendation, please write or call Dr. Michael A, Oxman of this office. Sincerely yours, ra ! YRC cea hl Pept J bora hh Cag ‘oe William F. Raub, Ph.D. Chief Biotechnology Resources Branch Division of Research Resources ce: Mr. K. D. Creighton Mr. Robert D. Simmons