MEMO FROM TO: TX J. LEDERBERG RC GENETICS DEPARTMENT BAF RO STANFCRD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA Or 1 wa ite: (1)°¢ Maybe we should revive the project of learning how to program the translation of Wiswesser to wJendral. This has the importance of relating Dendral facilities to the "rest of chemistry and pharmacology" information services we could even consider putting into a meta-Vendral, regarding the wiswesser code of a structure as the data, and the xrxgwies rules of translation as the "theory# intended to be elicited. I do not mean an utter game out of this; wiswesser superatoms might as well be decoded as primitives. Hut the Wiswesser Syntax is difficult to state analytically anyhow, so we would save a lot of effort if its restatement were mechanized. I am sure that aud would re- gard this as a vital project for his pur- poses.