IN REPLY REFER TO: NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION ELECTRONICS RESEARCH CENTER CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 cQD February 27, 1967 MAR ~6 1967 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Dept. of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: Your and Dr. Grace's work on computer ennumeration and identifi- cation of trees has greatly benefitted some of our development of algorithms for identifying an optimum set of measurements for multi-terminal networks. Could you send us reports on recent work? Enclosed are informal rough drafts of papers to be published. 67-622 "Combinatorial Algorithms for Computer-Oriented Fault Identification in Multi-Terminal Devices. 66-633 Combinatorial Analysis of Multi-Terminal Devices. Any comment or evaluation, perhaps by one of your graduate students, would of course be welcome. There seems to be a need for interchange of information among "combinatorial-oriented algorithm" writers. Do you think the time is ripe for getting a few key people together. Perhaps a one-week tutorial workshop rather than a one-day "short paper" conference may be desirable. Incidentally, I believe your report IRL-1036/NASA CR68896 DENDRAL-64 "Topology of Cyclic Graphs" might be of real interest to the IEEE Transactions on System Science and Cybernetics. Sincerely, blsth (7 W. W. Happ, Chief Design Criteria Branch Enclosures: 2