>>> inbox: 330 From: Bruce Buchanan Date: 10 Dec 87 12:01:01 PST (Thu) To: feigenbaum@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU, lederberg@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU cc: bgb@SUMEX-AIM. Stanford.EDU Subject: Neil Gray’s conclusions Ed & Josh, Gray’s comments in the part of the mss that Carl Djerassi sent (which I just received from Ed) are full of half-truths and innuendos. He doesn’t identify the sources of quotations he dumps on, for example, and the whole tone is invective. I don’t particularly have time to review a whole mss, any more than you do. And it might sound self-serving if the review came from the AI side. Can you put a little pressure on Dennis to review it? (Dennis was responsible for hiring Gray in the first place, after all.) bgb \y Thu Dec 10 16:13:28 1987 2 p.s. In fairness, Neil did send me a preliminary draft to comment on and I failed to return it. I read some of this stuff and decided that I didn’t have time then to try to get him to present his case in a less biased way -- partly because I think he has some axe to grind and I couldn’t have changed his mind.