OFFICE MEMORANDUM © STANFORD UNIVERSITY ¢© OFFICE MEMORANDUM ¢ STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANC December 3, 1987 Ly TO: Professor Edward Feigenbaum -Professor Joshua Lederberg Dr. Dennis H. Smith I am herewith enclosing some self-explanatory material which requires a prompt response. As you can see, I have been asked by CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS, a new journal, to review a paper by Neil Gray entitled "Dendral and Meta- Dendral - The Myth and the Reality." All you really need to read is the abstract and pages 35 - 41 dealing with the section "Lessons from the Dendral Project." As you can see, his . conclusions are quite devastating, and I would like to know which SL one of\you is prepared to referee the paper. I will then. forward the entire manuscript to that person. Cordially, | Af ah , Professor of Chemistry S Ca p — Q eNews Hoek CD: | | wa 3P nn Areata & et enclosures Ae