J aun Bo drof 6 Rockefeller\m THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY a University /< 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 6s October 23, 1986 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT es Professor pavid(Barnette Department of Mathematics University of California Davis, California 95616 Dear Professor Barnette: Nature (9/25/86) brought to my attention your book on... polyhedra..., which I have been enjoying very much, and will commend to others. You may be interested that the chemists have finally gone out of their way to synthesize a non-planar-graph mole- cule (see enclosure). These instances are remarkable enough, we can list them as odd exceptions. The systematics of graphs is still not what I would like it to be. We have to cheat* to accommodate the tetravalent nodes that do crop up. But the system we have makes do, well enough. It was good to hear of you. Yours sincerely, joshua Lederberg) cnet. Yu / P.S. Biochemical combinatorics focusses these days on linear strings but long ones like the human DNA, 3x102 units long. There is lots to do in graph matching (under point mutations, deletions, transpositions...) in that sphere. © \% abe J™ ~ df i SSCH4.5. FDR ID: Map Ooiering lem. Doleiani ematical Fixy she DAVID BARNETIE. The Mati é America:1986. Pp.l58. Hbk ISBN 6-883853094. REE £27. 6 ve . ov Processes; Characterization and Converg- ence. By STEWART N. ETHIER and THOMAS G. KURTZ. Wiley:1980. Pp.S3-4. Hbk ISBN U-47!~ O8IS6-8, FAG 10. $47.50 nine HE Ca. L. 22:78] /®B)