AY APRIL 7386 G WLee cp Th oF Southern College Se THERES FESS Pre. gS eS eS ames . Collegedale, Tennessee 37315 Physics Department Telephone 615-238-2111 Aprth 9, 1986 Joshua Lederberg, President Rockefeller University 1230 York Ave. New York, NY 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Some years ago when you were at Stanford University, you Led out in what appears to me to be a Landmark contribution in Fundamental Chemistry. I refer to the calkeula- tion of the number of Lsomers which a moLecule might have given its constituent atoms. I have been able to obtain some information about the results of this work, including the article "The Scope of Structural Tsomerism,” by Dennis H. Smith, and two articles by L. M. Masinter® from a series on artificial intelligence. I have a desperate need to find information on the number of possible tsomers for as many moLecules as possible. This need exists in order to clarify an important fea- ture 40n the nertodic system which we believe can be constructed for mokecukes with any given number of atoms. The periodic system for diatomic molecules has been extensively demonstrated to agree with the data and to allow the prediction of new data. Work on the periodic system for triatomica moLecules has begun. As the number of atoms in the molecule increase, the problem of isomers grows more and mone important - hence this Letter. The articles by Masinter*give the number of isomers for a few mokecules. The article by Smith gives the number of isomers for a Large nwnber of mokecubes, but tel af A Liberal Arts College operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church Dx. Joshua Lederberg 2 Aprik 9, 1986 unfortunateky the numbers of hydrogen atoms are not Listed (the degree of unsaturation 4& Listed). TI know that, in principle, it should be possible to reconstruct the mole- cular formula inckuding the number of hydrogens with the tabulated information. How- ever, our time and expertise are Limited and s0 I am uniting to see whether you might have the original print-outs in which the number of tsomers are Listed for the specific molecules inckuding the exact number of hydrogen atoms. IT venture to take your time for this question because of the invitation at the end of Dr. Smith's article. Your attention to this question and any assistance you might be able to render (such as to whom to write for the necessary information) are deeply appreciated. Respectfully yours, oy iis Ray Hefferlin, PAO feSSOA Of Physics RH' Lh ScoPE OF STRUCTURAL [SOMFRISM such plots display a slightly decreasing slope with increas- Table [. Structural Isomers ot CON, O.. x ty tes 6, ue Pele Uns. turation, b ing carben number for each given unsaturation, for Allowed Values of she ‘ As unsaturation increases, the slopes of the curves in- crease sharply (see Fegure 1 as U increases from zera to So. of __ Ursa: uration four). Foweser, curves representing h higher unsaturation ane oo 1 SO ‘ . counts frequen tly begin, and remain for a short time helow CUTVES rese sting lower unsafuration counts, for exam- nm we f n a a t : 5 , ; i 1 ple, the cu-ves fur U = 3 and U = $, Figure 1. Tt seers clear : 3 3 1 : 3 r = that the higher the degter of unsaturation the greater the \ 3 9 7 3 pe asible number ard combinations of multiple ‘bonds and 5 10 26 40 21 6 25 v7 27 Lea fore) w ring sVstems, Pht factor is responsible for increasing slope QANAOANAAAAG 1 1 1 7 3 5 1 with increasing U shesewed | in Figure 1, But, carrying this ‘9 1 1 1 \ argument to its extrer eat hy sh uld not the number of isn- O, 9 3 3 1 mers foragiven cory cation of stoms always he greater for 50, 3 9 13 9 2 7 higher un Sitipation coints, as long as the total velence of Oo, ‘ 26 °? 2 ae ner unset en coimts, é ge ast pa we C,O, 14 74 905 335 312 14) 21 the compos't fan support the speci ified uvsatura- Co. 1 1 tion? The next section discusses thes point in mere tetoll co. 2 2 1 The Sanker of Stroctaral T.omers vs. & Trgatnration Ba? ret 5 2 ~ -" hkle - J, or ag i Count selenite: ' data from Table I are Co 28 122 an} 182 25 combinations of six atoms. This O° } 1 . 3 cal rise and pal af the nuniber of Cc, 3 4 ic trate with inere ad Sssaturat ion, Vhe value of umsatue Cc to a 3 . . “| 25 Qe Go 6 ration a wk hi the ronvbher of isomers! C, ; fe 182 a ae : 1 . : > . 0, 1 1 is peor tex Peaction of the number aad i it ce 5 6 2 Phe vation ctatis slowly toh He Co, WAS il 14 oo the meehes of ates im ore ts ro ~ f i Sane chow nasi oar Cos lor 2. Seseralen qposd ety of six ators have moxima at Uo = 8. Hoewever, LN OE oe i o VL, Ode lore ee meat etl! Deplayrmacraat lo bort Ny 1 iss ioe te qote thar thers is a sm cath variation CN, 4 . . . i > uf Dee atthe tiratian NG CN, l? . .- CLN, 34 2 of isocie CoN i 1G 15 . oN, t a ! Loe saturations Ne uh Megatutath No 1 1 or hegrar CN, 7 4 * 7 N 7 7 3 i ane obs. Cx», 6 is - booty re . cree CN, l4 De ‘ vera alth rhe ef ate on the nur CN, es 218 Ao t oe! ro! ecbobane cope of ator with another type N, 1 9 1 Vhe Mae eer of “bpuet: Juome rs vs. Ateim Type. CN, 4 Li 13 ., ' , Nf hoa eta pret wher of CLN, 14 ; 119 — . ¢ CN, AD 2 i Lok ¢ . at t re rye 2 = ato atayr ye Sy Ny 5 4 4 Paes a roore dis HDL CN $ a = . + . + . . r ~! * 27 wy a 1 prone thos ds tras, as ines! han " we a: aN : : 5 : Gare of GON Tie obewe the cueve of Co for all afl coN 1s aan we ; 12 ey -aN og , . : ™~, o pos a ber +. theocaree of CO) les ahexve that of for OS l<4. hob N t LA 2A iS b Peaetiabs ot that ina conmporsonaf the reautt of NS ] 1 1 an : - Noose Loe we Cc 3 a 3 rye tece te ether on N or one far ase , , 7 - C, 8 22 wy 14 . C 21 ot Las Lea it ~ Cc Bg 289 THE Tn 8 N 2 3 1 co gS 2) Vs t C, Bi 115 Lie i a k C 102 S27 Liss i 2 SD N 3 7 4 the in valerie. Intuition after fail Cc. 7 Th So eas tape | Gers of isomers reaulting from Cc, bo fea B35 iz at Te pla wrof atoms by the saric nur “ 2 1s Li 3 v ‘ yal 4 “_ C a2 2 bel a 32 ana f vclence, Sorce renre- Sen Vk ay 20 a don Yd NO ? 2 UNO, 28 S495 40 . CON,O, a L 732 O44 rt, the ratio hets ome en ‘ 5 s 3 , subs tonen wa. Oe tintt- CN LO as TA a 1? sutwtitation, eg NO: CN.O, > : aad 76 - NO, 10 23 CN,O, S600 G05 137 NO, 240-72 1 N.O, 3 3 = CN O 17 a4 CESCUIS SION ea ef oe an S CLNO, 1G DAG 1iG NCH, S 15 The variations of ivasers with C.3.,0 TO Ly Nurebers 4 afore. : tor ton count or with ~ 24 til offre ater Evpe er can be rationalized or C a 34 the zh tL ke 4 ethos fig gee othe N 1 ~ et ! , JR eh, eb oe N 5