PE ENE PATINA RAINE UA @ STAINFORO UNIVERSITY ¢ To FROM Susuect: | JAN 4° 1977 Dare: January 3, 1977 Computer Science Department faculty Don Knuth wv ee Ed Feigenbaum spoke to me recently about the great amount of stuff going on here that will probably be invaluable to the future's technical historians, J mentioned that I had run across the enclosed notes about preserving archival materials, and Ed suggested that we discuss this at some future faculty meeting. Please read the two enclosures carefully, it won't take long. Stanford Archives is a good place to keep things; they already have Forsythe's papers and the working notes from which I prepared three volumes of The Art of Computer Programming. I think it's a good idea to keep them in mind for all your personal papers of potential historical interest. DK/pw Enclosures OFFICE MEMORANDUM © STANFOR2D UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM ALISUZAINN GYOINVIS e WNGNVYOWIW IDIO © ALISHTAINNA GYOINVIS © ALISSJAINA GYOINVLS © WNGNVYOWIW FDO e WNONVYOWIW FJI1IO