UNIVERSITY OF GOTEBORG FACULTY OF MEDICINE Department of Medical Biochemistry February 4th, 19714 Prof. J. Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University STANFORD, California 94 305 U.S.A. Dear Professor Lederberg: Thank you for the nice letter of January 21st, where you urge us to make contact with Allen Duffield, stress the compatibility problem, and generously offer a visit to your lab. I spoke to Dr. Duffield yesterday via a telephone call, which he made from Copenhagen. Unfortunately, his visit in Copenhagen ends today. so there was no possibility for us to meet. Anyway, the telephone call made some points clear: We are in a preliminary phase, we want to evaluate the systems current for computer interpretation of mass spectra. We are aware, that installing the whole DENDRAL program, and the LISP compiler, will be time-consuming, and the possibility of incompatibility will be very great. We have a PDP 15 computer with disk, tape and display facilities. Duffield mentioned that your group usesan IBM 3060-67, which probably means that the program has to be rewritten to a large extent. ug Duffield also mentioned that the DENDRAL group heavily engaged in work on cyclic structures, and I understood, that further development of the structure generator will await the solution of this problem. Evidently, there are no specific conditions that we have to fulfill in order to get a copy of the Dendral structure generator and the preliminary in- ference maker, other than the general remarks in your letter. Neither are Postal address Street address Telephone Fack Medicinarezatan 9 021.41 028 00 UNIVERSITY OF GOTEBORG page 2 FACULTY OF MEDICINE Department of Medical Biochemistry there any restrictions due to military secrecy. We also talked about your intention to incorporate library spectra into the Dendral scheme, and Duffield asked if you could get access to our library. I could not decide this myself, but promised to mention it to Prof. Sixten Abrahamsson, who is the boss for ‘masspectrometry-compu- ter coupling here. He clarified, that the library is for sale through Wiley and Sons, either in book or tape form. The copyright belongs to them, so no ''reciprocal world trade" could be made at this point. Through Dr. Schroll, Duffield promised to send the current versions of the structure generator and the preliminary inference maker. This we greatly appreciate, and we hope that the trade can be more reciprocal in the future. If we make any developments pertinent to computer interpreta- tion of mass spectra, we will let you know. Prof. Abrahamsson will, I am told, visit Stanford in May this year. You may then get more information. I promised ~ Duffield to write to you again when we have gone through your material, about our plans. Yours sincerely re, oO as Blomberg Re artment of Medical Biochemistry versity of Gothenburg Fack S- 400 33 GOTEBORG 33 Postal address Street address Telephone Fack Medicinaregatan 9 031 - 41 08 00