AURAL. CEN LR PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS School of Medicine January 21, 197] Dear Dr. Blomberg-- Please forgive my delay in responding to your letter of December 22, for which I must plead only a personal responsi- bility. We have discussed the matter several times within our group, and we are both very much pleased at your interest in DENDRAL, and would Tike to cooperate in a realistic way to mini- mize a costly divergence of effort. The worst possibility would be a heavy investment in setting up a partially duplicated apparatus, and esfiecially if there were incompatibilities that made it difficult to install mutually interesting segments of work on one another's programs. On the other hand, the documentation and maintenance of a program of this complexity is not a trivial responsibility, if it is to be really available for "export", or better for reciprécal world trade. Fortunately, Dr. Allen Duffield from our group will be in Europe within the next two weeks, and it would be of the greatest advantage if you could arrange to discuss the groundwork at first hand. He will be visiting Dr. Gustav.. Schroll in Copenhagen, who has also recently returned from a tour with the Dendral group. May I urge you to set up a small'international conference! by a telephone call at your early convenience to Dr. Schroll. Such a meeting could help to establish just what would be k necessary for you to install DENDRAL, in some version, in your own laboratory and what further efforts would be required for this to be of real value to your work. My expectatohons are that a visit to our lab of some weeks duration would be indispensable, which we would be glad to make accomodation for. Hwwever, we will underatand this better after a meeting with Schroll and Duffield. Yours sincerely, CC: Schroll je + Dudfield Prof. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Schoo! of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Dr. G. Schroll Kemisk Lab. IT Universitetsparken ¢ K¢benhavn ¢