JAN 20 1971 January 16, 1971 Professor Joshua Tederberg The Devartment of Genetics Stanford Tmniversity School of Medicine Stanford, California, 94305 Dear Mr. Lederberg; Please let me take this opportunity to thank you for the information which you sent me regarding the Dendral Program. It is very helpful, and TI am sure that Professor York will be grateful for the additional articles to add to the ones which he already has on this topic, Unfortunately, you are right in your supposition that the IBM 1130 System does not support a LISP compiler, but I am still interested in attempting to create some sort of a system for the generation of struc- tures whether it 1s written in FORTRAN, or in the onlv other alternative which I have, 1130 Assembler, I feel sure that I will be able to manage something, though it will undoubtedly not be anywhere as efficient or as comvrehensive as a LISP program, TI will send’ you a printout of anything which I accomplish on this program. Who knows, maybe there is a way to do this in FORTRAN, As I said before, thank you again for the additional materials. Sincerely vours, Alan G. Janos” 216 Bushnell Hall Kenyon College P.O. Box #72 Gambier, Ohto, 4302?