DEC 3 0 1979 GOTEBORGS UNIVERSITET Medicinsk-Kemiska Institutionen Medicinaregatan 9 c/ GOTEBORG SV The 22nd of December 1970. Professor Joshua Lederberg Dept. of Genetics Stanford University 300 Pasteur Drive Palo Alto, California U.S.A. Dear Professor Lederberg, At our Institute, we intend to do some work on computer interpretation of mass spectra. Therefore we are interested in the DENDRAL program that has been developed at the Stanford Univer- sity. It seems to us pointless to use the older versions of the program, that have been published, when there might be a possibility of obtaining the latest version from you. So, we ask you if this is possible. We do not know if the program is changed to accomodate ring structures yet. It might be that several versions coexist. In that case we are mainly interested in a version with as wide applica- bility as possible. This institute may be familiar to you, as professors Einar Stenhagen and Sixten Abrahamsson are the initiators and supervisors of the mass spectroscopic work done here. Yours Sincerely . © 2 ba. Po Be tule y Jonas Blomberg Dept. of Medical Biochemistry University of Gothenburg Fack 400 33 Géteborg 33 Sweden