DSMITH 11/7/83 Dear Dennis: "missing" -- no mystery. (Perhaps I should have said 'I miss "missing" you' -- if you recall Licklider's 'missings' equals non meetings on live [?]). Well, let's see if we can put some impulse on the static junction: next time you're coming to Manhattan please call me and see if we can ad hoc a mtg. [mark to note, or family supper at home] That's more likely than my diffusing [?] to Pearl River If that doesn't work, we'll try another tack. My LEDERBERG@SUMEX mail is now laboriously forwarded back to me at R.U. UNIX. I'm logged on constantly. Do you still have a SUMEX acct? [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] Dendral Since I wrote you, I tried to exercise CONGEN; but it doesn't really run now on TOPS 20. (Try it!) I was moved partly by trying to demonstrate its logic to David who's into Organic at Harvard, taught, as you know, rather sadistically. But he seems to enjoy the subject notwithstanding. Hope to see you soon, Yours, Joshua