OFFICE MEMORANDUM © STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM @ STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM To From SUBJECT: bE FEB 1 171 Date! January 28, 1971 : Professor Joshua Lederberg : Harry S. Mosher Preprints on Chirality Notation I have now looked over the material you sent me on your chirality notation "Dendral III -- Draft". My reaction is that this looks very good but that I am not the one who really is in a position to evaluate this very critically. However, there are two people who would be very interested in this, especially Professor Jacques DuBois [Lab. de Chimie Organique Physique, Faculte des Sciences, 1, rue Guy de la Brosse, 75 -- Paris -- 5€] and Professor E. Ruch [Instittit fur Quantenchemie, Freie Univer- sitdt Berlin, Holbeinstrasse 48, 1 -- Berlin 45 (D.B.R.)]. Professor DuBois has been concerned with almost exactly the same sort of treatment and I am sure he would be interested in receiving this material from you which he is not all that familiar with. In addition, I know that he has done a lot of studies which he has not published and you might be interested in his approaches. Professor Ruch is interested in a much more deeply mathematical and less computer sort of treatment and I am enclosing a reprint which he sent me that you might be interested in looking at. He has a long series of publications of this type, the mathematics of which are beyond me, but the concepts of which are of considerable interest to me; namely, with respect to asymmetric syntheses. I am quite certain that Professor Ruch is the one person in the world most competent in this field of mathematical treatment of molecular geometry on a sophisticated level. I think that you will find it interesting and perhaps useful to correspond with these people. Har /s. Mosher sp Enclosure P.S. Another person who has recently published on this subject is Ivar Ugi, who is at the University of Southern California. See Angew. Chem., Internat. Edit., 9, 703-730 (1970). O ah, Fo Tit Beta (4288-309 1490 — hate coves 14: 225-IBt 1970 — Tlarny Le Levick late fool Tevse WNGNVYOWIW FHdO © ALISUZJAINM GYOANVILS © WNONVYOWSW 391dJO © ALISUTAINN GHYOINVLS @© WNONVYOWAW 34dIddO © ALISMJAINN GYOANWIS e@