MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION 19 July 1974 SU-221-8586 Dr. J. Lederberg Dept. of Genetics Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Committee III on computers and data processing of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry is acting as a focal point for information and/or computer programs of interest to the com- munity of mass spectrometrists. Currently, ASMS membership totals 938 with approximately 80 foreign members. As you are well aware, the membership of ASMS cuts across a wide variety of disciplines in academia, govern- ment and industry. Dennis Smith discussed Dendral with me at the most recent ASMS meeting in Philadelphia and I agreed that it would be valuable to publicize its imminent availability in our next communication to society members. Dennis also asked that I send you a copy of our “advertisement” so that you may be apprised of our activity with respect to Dendral. Enclosed is part of our recent communi- cation to the membership with the section concerning Dendral circled. At present, it is our intent to send to Dennis a list of those people indicating an interest in Dendral thereby permitting follow-up and control of its use by your organization. We will also be communicating with the membership again in the Fall, and will include any further information about Dendral which you wish to provide. Sincerely, M dhaypern M. A. Grayson Scientist McDonnell Douglas Research Laboratories MAG:emc EC: Dr. Dennis Smith Dept. of Chemistry MCDONNELL DOUGLAS RESEARCH LABORATORIES Saint Louis, Missouri 63166