May 1, 1967 Dr. J. F. Bunnett Editor, Accounts of Chemical Research University of California Senta Cruz, California 95060 Dear Dr. Bunnett: I appreciate your invitation to submit an article for Accounts of Chemical Research. This may indeed serve a very useful function, particularly in the light of the very wide distribution of your new journal. May I then accept. I will endeavor to have a manuscript in the mail to you by January 10, 1968 on the theme of "Computer emulation of scientific inference: elementary organic chemistry". I weleome this opportunity to boil down whgt my col- leagues and I have been trying to do in a rather unconvenitonal kind of effort that needs to be exphsed to many sources of critical judgment. The best evaluation we can make is that "We are doing the best we can.” Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics LLanNng Moy B9b/') HOP