DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION. AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL UNSTITUTES OF HEALTH BETHESDA. MARYLAND 200'¢4 April 23, 1974 RR-785-01A1 at Dr, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Enclosed is a copy of the revised award for your Biotechnology Resource grant RR-785-O01Al., Additional funds are provided to complete payment of the PDP-10 computer system. Funds are also included for data handling equipment and services associated with communication linkages, Please note that $65,000 for AIM communications activities are reserved and may not be obligated without prior written approval from this Branch, If you have any questions please call. Sincerely yours, a . f Sop ey £., a a ee William Roy Baker, Jr., Ph.D. Assistant Chief Biotechnology Resources Branch Division of Research Resources ccs Mr. K. D. Creighton Mr. Robert D, Simmons ~ rican T - ~ DEPARTMENT OF HEAUTS, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Getober i, 197 1 oat ' DATE ISSUED: REVISED Revised: _November_19, Pubic Health Senice ' Tomes: aD A] oL2 NOTICE OF GRANT AWARDED > POT RROOTSS-0141 COR Under Authority of Federal Stctutes and Regulations, and Public Health Service Policy Statements opplicable to: TOTAL PROJECT PERIOD: [Lo Research Gras [_ Training Grant From FO/O4/73 throush O7/31/78 “X BIOTECHHOLOGY RESOURCZ GRANT GRANT PERIOD: From 10/01/73 Thovsh 07/31/78 Title of Project or Area of Trainin SUPPORT FOR MEDICAL COMPUTING FACILITY Grantee Institution : Princ:pa: Investigator or Program Director STANFORD UNIVERSITY | LEDERBERG, JOSHUA PHD STANFORD, CALIF 94305 ‘' STANFORD UNIVERSITY | DEPARTHENT OF GENETICS STANFORD, CALIF $4305 17* ~ APPROVED SUDGET AWARD COMPUTATION oe FOR BUDGET PERIOD TO/O4/73 through UT/3S1/F4 1. DiRECTCOSIS........... $858,537 — Personnel 000.0 c cc eece cesses $ - 2 INDIRECT COSTS BF, $ Ct Consultant Services* ...) 0.00.0... (Colculated cr rate} re en Equipment? . 00... ee eee ee ees (oh) s 854, 537, Supplies 20.00... eee 4. Less Unobligated Balance from Travel — Domestic ........ 0.6.6 Prior Budget Periodis) oo... eee ee $ 0 Travel Foreign*® 2.0.2... .... 2... ! Hospitalization® 0. ...2.0....000.. Outpatient Costs* 000... 0... eee. ae ree cn Alterations and Renovationst ..... - 5. AMOUNT OF THIS AWARD id ¢ 854, 53 37 Other ooo coc cccc ccc ccccvceceece 854,537 SUPPORT RECOMMENDED FOR REMAINDER OF PROJECT PERIOD (Subject to the Availability of Funds) Troinee Stipendst 2.0 ............. Budget Period = Tota: Direct Casts Trainee Tuition and Fees*......... ‘ 92 382,000 Tranee Travel* 0. eee 03 397,509 O8 R1g,060 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS ———--_-">> iS 05 4332900 854,537 06 NOWE * Aster risks indicate umited or restricted budget ccregories Accountabil ity for eau.ornent: __. cond tionally waived = 7 Knot wa. vei a RenokF A BELICABLE INDIRECT COSTS HILL BE PROVIDED ON £ SUEMARY ROTICZ. See page two for terms of the award. Common Account Number Entity No. PHS List Number \""° Transaction Numoer 4-84907731 FY 748 £58210 RR-PO7-28,37,64-74! 01-031175 Payments on this grant will be mace to: Recommending National Advisory Council or Committee RESEARCH RESOURCES Signature of PHS Official DEPUTY VICE PRESIDENT Li, bp =| (A (. 2 AS a AL LAN. C44 FOR BUSINESS & FINAUCE WILLIAM F. eaEEy Pie. STANFORD UNIVERSITY CHIEF, BIOTECHKOLOGY STANFORD, CALIF 948305 BESOURCES BRANCH DIVISION OF RESEARCH RESOURCES _ ; ° — - 7 T : a win 2007 DISTRIBUTION: i | Principe! Investigator or Program Director | | Payee | | Public Reictons Oftice: . - [ne —— 1 PO? RR-00785-01Al NOTICE OF GRANT AWARDED Page Terms of the award remain the same as the O1Al revision dated November 19, 1973 except as noted below. The approved budget is increased to include the following items: Equipment Purchase Payment on PDP-10 Computer System $201,695 (Including Sales Tax ana Shipping Charges) Data Handling Equipment & Services Associated With Communication Linkages SUMEX - DEC DC-10 Terminal Handler 16,275 AIM - Communications Activities - RESERVED __ 65,000 Total $282,970 Funds for data handling equipment and services associated with communication linkages are identified in two parts to indicate the funds goings to the national usage and the funds to provide for this usage at Stanford. AIM communications activities funds are reserved and mav not be obligated without pricr written approval from the Biotechnology Resources Branch.