TK Y YALE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY 310 CEDAR STREET Hi Dave: I urged them to consider Gaylen Bradagy (and Tom Nelson) some time If they made it attractive enough, I suppose Gaylen could still be interested. Not many other thoughts -- what about Haig? Max Zelle? NEW HAVEN 11, CONNECTICUT June 19, 1958 Dr. Jd. Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Josh: The Charles Pfizer & Co., Inc. has now decided that microbial genetics is perhaps helpful and they are looking around to see if they might find an able man they could add to their research division. They have asked me, since I serve as consultant to the company, to make recommenda- tions concerning persons they might approach. Before drawing up the list I thought I should inquire around a bit. Do you know of some microbial geneticists who are able and who are perhaps interested in industrial re- search? Any suggestions you might have will be most wel- COMES ยป With very best regards. Sincerely, David M. Bonner DMB:dd WOM weg jome