OFFICE MEMORANDUM © STANFORD UNIVERSITY @© OFFICE MEMORANDUM e@ STANFORD UNIVERSITY e OFFICE MEMORANDUM To FROM SUBJECT; MAR 1. 1973 Date. 15 March 1974 Professor Joshua Lederberg Dr. K. M. Colby SUMEX I am writing to express our interest in using the SUMEX system at the Stanford Medical School. I am principal investigator of an on-going research project involving 10-12 people sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health. Using the concepts, methods and instruments of artificial intelligence, we are studying machine understanding of natural language, computer simulation of paranoid processes, diagnostic psychiatric interview- ing and a technique for stimulating language development in nonspeaking autistic children, the latter project having recently been given the Frieda Fromm-Reichman Award for Research in Schizophrenia. We are interested in SUMEX for two reasons. First, the time-shared system we are currently using at the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory is so heavily loaded that it is difficult to get an optimal amount of work done in real-time. Our programs are written in MLISP and MLISP2, languages which our project has developed and which are now widely used on PDP-10's. We have also constructed LISP70 which will soon be used by the ARPA network and which could easily be put on the SUMEX system. The second reason for our interest concerns medical students and residents in psychiatry who wish to participate in our research program. At present this is virtually impossible because the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory is located 6 miles away from the Medical School. If we were running on the SUMEX system, I am confident medical students, residents and others in the medical school community would join us and contribute to our efforts to utilize artificial intelligence approaches to some of the major problems in psychiatry. If there is any other information I can give you about our project and our interest in SUMEX, please let me know. KMC: paw We WNONVYOW3W 391440 © ALISHBAINN GYO4NVIS e« WNONVYYOW3W 323!440 © ALISYZAINN GYOZNVIS ° 31ddO © ALISUZAINN GXOANVIS WNONYYOWAW 3