DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH BETHESDA, MARYLAND 20014 March 6, 1973 Bruce Buchanan Dept. of Computer Science Stanford University Stanford, Califormia 94305 Dear Bruce: Iwas quite interested in your ideas on making DENDRAL more available to users throughout the country and I'm sure there is potential use here at NIH. However, with the current uncertainty as to priority of projects at NIH and who will be here to work on things, I'm afraid I can't be more excited. Our work has indicated that the availability of computer systems for direct hands-on use by a variety of users is possible, but it must be very carefully developed so as not to lose anyone and still make it useful. I hope I will be able to come by Stanford on Friday morning, May 25 and see you and others in the group. Sincerely yours, Stephen R. Heller, Ph.D. Heuristics Laboratory Division of Computer Research and Technology Bldg. 12A, Rm. 3063