DEC 2 1974 7 SLEDERBERG>ALLOCATION@POLICY.SUMEX38 FRI 29=NOVe74 1216PM Further thoughts om economics of SUMEX, Since we will he giving out tokems with one handy and collecting with the others, there are ibvious limitations tn analogizing the liberty of consumer praterance om SUMEX and on a tree market, It will then helo in oullding am ecomamie model to clarify Just what we are trying to optimize, I will make a fisrt attempt at this, amd then suggest that we May be able to dispense with a tokem economy (Cand its monetrivial costs ot administration, megotiation etc.) im favor of a centrally administered patterming of priorities, Certainiy we have no objective PROFIT fumetion to maximizes though {n the long run SUMEX shoyld be operated AS IF it maximized the {ncame that it could extract from users at their own valuation of marginal Servicesse {e@,s what the traffic could bear == what the service is worth to trem in aggrenate, Howaver, Health Kas heen orofessiomalized, and HEALTH=RESEARCH nationalized long since, amd we can get into serious trouote by inaporooriate mixes of central planning and free narket arrangements The MAXYT@PROFIT motion isam abstraction that can give us some (limited) guidance to planning, Some postulated erinciples of operation imeclude? The SUMEX*=AIM community comprises a limited set of imvestigators who afe tO be encouraged and sypnorted tm the pursuit of 1) explicit research prograns and 2) pelated but less welledefined explorations, We have a constrained budget for carital tnvestment that is the princie¢al limitation to the overall volume of service that can be delivered, 3, Each user will he Judaqed te have some service=value functiom which falls asymptotically to zero (that {8s plotting the utility of the Mext imcrement of Service aqgaimst total volume consumed), At zero but mot necessarily to first order soeial utility may or may not correspond to how a user would Spend his own dollar budget im a comvertyiole currency, 4, Given the constraints of a fixed=size machine, and the mamagertal ones Of a finite community of users we should, roughtys optimize the integral of the product of services , utilitys 1.e,7 allocate the mext increment of available service to the user Judged to consume it at Ruishest utilfitv. In practice this means we must assure each user an opportunity to get his cemtral auantum of work dome? and we must take account of the sidewcosts of deliverina services are umeven high loadings etc, 5S, “e@ have to ne able to justify any cvert inefficiency, idie time etc, We alS2 have to ne accountable for various aspects of FAIRNESS, esoecially in re the charter of a 40"d0=20 sitcing, p SLEMDERSERG>ALLOCATION#POLICY,SUMEX]8 FRI 29"NOVe974 LrloPm 6, There aee three evident measures of services how=much (cpu); when (tinesofeday or demand availability): amd how=fast (throughout rate) athat will cear differentiy otn different users at different times, These consideratuions suggest the follawing aparoach to allocation, We will mot have tokens at all (except perhaps im re connect time, esoecially for renote users a/e the relevant costs,) Instead a 3 or Getier orjiority system, PRIORITY 1, USE Guring SCHEDULED time of day, Eacr USER will be allotted am hour per day of commect time (ar some multiple thereof) which he can ‘reserve’ for a9 weex im advamnce by voluntary posting, This does not interfere with overlaoping scheoules by others, mor with voluntray Side=aqreements to avoln overlap, The point $8 to have some franework in which users can PLAN to have the most efficient access possible SUMEX management can also play a persuasive role im such postings, Users im ordomity=] status wtl!l comeete for the first 60% of machine cycles (divided 39230 AIMSSUMEX) regardless of other quotas, PRIORITY 2. (SYS lives here chronically), Users compete for 80% of the RESIDUE of the machines (1.e, 24% olus spillover from priority tL, Users will work im tris level umti! they have used up their daily Quota of CPU time,In anditionm work Involving routine EXEC and text and file=handling smould be ungraded from level 3 into this queue, PRIURITY $ gets the rest, either at mare or after some further adjustments, This general scheme of course admits of many further tuning Steos, Under level 3, for axample, we should consider unloading Jobs that do mt get ersough CPL attention to warrant keeping them in the aQueve. In the same vaim we should have some provision for autolegout of jmactive connect lines that merely burm up communications costs, and for Randling irmaetive forks... but we have to analyze what Penalty these dreaas (amd their solutions) impose, The presert oroposal is of course substantially what Rainer has discussed and nartliy implemented, except for the overlay of Priority=1, J] am mot averse to some gradualism in shifting between the levels» but a user should have enough credictahility about how he fs being manmdied py the system that he cam plam his work, rather than just sit totally passively hoping for the best possibile, In allocations ot Jlevelel svheduless SUMEX=management cam of course slay a more or less active role in structuring the traffic if the cirstances reauire (lie a treatfic com relates to signal lights and ateo signs): amd I can eventually foresee some gamewlike algorithms to nelo organize these schedules, The assigmment of %=ages among differemt jievels is of course a further mamagement option, $y